1st year syllabus

1st year English chapter 13 “God be praised” MCQs -2023


chp 13″God be praised” 1st-year English paper 2023

In this post, I am sharing Short Story “God Be Praised “of 1st-year English paper 2023 for FSC Part 1. 1st Year English Chapter 13 MCQs for the students of class 11. I am sharing these Multiple Choice Questions and MCQs notes for FSC, FA, ICS, and Icom students. God be Praised is the 13th Short Story in 11th English Book 1. If you need all subjects books of Intermediate Part 1, visit this link Litenglishers.

1st Year English is divided into 2 books, book 1 and Book 3. English Book 1 contains Short Stories, you can get 1st year short stories notes. Class 11 English Book 3 contains plays and Poems. Go Here for Plays and Poems Notes litenglishers short stories and plays notes.

Q1: Choose the correct Option of 1st-year English paper 2023

1.What was the name of the member of the district Board where Mualvi Abul lived/
(a) Shamim ahmad     (b) fatehdad       (c) Mualvi Abul     (d) Allahdad

2. How much money Mualvi spend for the shoes of his first child?
(a) 2 rupees   (b) 1 rupees    (c) 3 rupees    (d) 6 rupees

3. Who reprimanded Mualvi Abul for a mistake?
(a) shamim ahmad (b) fatehdad (c) kaleem (d) haafiz

4. What kind of faith Abul have?
(a) apparent (b) open (c) firm (d) implicit

5.What sort of cloth maulvi bought from the new shop?
(a) yellow cloth (b) red cloth (c) green cloth (d) pink cloth

6. Remember the benevolent almighty Allah.
(a) Powerful , strong (b) watchful, seer         (c) beneficent, benign     (d) omnipresent

7. Maulvi Abul had slightly bulging eyes.
(a) clear , clean            (b) a bit, minor
(c) dominant, attracting    (d) projected, protuberant

8.Chudhary fatehdad reprimanded him for a mistake.
(a) reminded , teased (b) punish, beat
(c) admonished, scolded (d) encouraged, boost up

9.Chaudhry fatehdad’s censure was purely religious.
(a) praise (b) services (c) activities (d) criticism

10. Mualvi abul caught in the whirl of life.
(a) comforts, joys         (b) attraction, happiness
(c) philosophy , ideology      (d) problems, swirl

———subjective 1st year English paper 2023——–

Q2.  Translate Into Urdu

Like the children who came in quick succession, the time ,too, had changed fast. A pair of shoes for his first born, Mehrunnisa, had cost him one rupee. For his younger daughter, he was now asked to pay six rupees for a pair. When he complained, the shoemaker said; Maulviji, I didn’t charge more for your sake.

Q3. Explain these lines with Reference and context

But how much great were they
who bore the pains of black day:
ashes are not merely the waste
they can really create the great

Q4. Write an application of    “ misbehavior”
Q5. Answer any 4 questions

a) Describe the Maulvi appearance?
b) What kind of haircut does Miss Muccutcheon want?
c) What does miss Mccutcheon think that a poodle haircut will do to her appearance?
d) What is worse than slavery?
e) Why does the poet call our life useless and worthless?
f) How much did the Mulvi collect on every Eid?

Q6. Write any 3 pairs of words











Extra mcqs 1st year English paper 2023

13. God Be Praised 
Q.1. Choose the correct option for under lined word. 
Statements  D
1 Shamim felt at ease, but could not overcome  his embarrassment.  discomfiture joy anger fear
2 Chaudhry Fateh Dad‟s censure was purely  religious. criticism satire humour doubt
3 But his voice remained resonant. steady low shouting shaking
4 Maulvi Abul took a momentous decision. temporary important good wise
5 Maulvi had implicit faith in God. shallow light deep doubtful
6 He put a match to dry twig and with it lit the  lamp. stick light rope cord
7 Before his marriage Maulvi used to live in  comfort, even pomp. pride honour vanity splendour
8 For his hair, he used fragrant oil. rich medicated scented herbal
9 Oblivious of his surroundings, Maulvi Abul‟s  mind was racing elsewhere. careful forgetful of attentive to surrounde d
10. Like the children who came in quick
succession, the time too had changed fast.
arrangement disorder series time
11 Mehrunnisa was put in seclusion in a private  room. solitude bed company privacy
12 Nobody could restrain Shamim Ahmad from  celebrating his marriage any way he desired. keep up hold back continue support
13 I will send my mother with the marriage  proposal. message suggestion indication remarks
14 Maulvi Abul smile and consoled her wife. soothed prayed satisfied encourage d
15 This Zabda of ours has suddenly matured. became adult grown became sad became weak
16 Maulvi Abul had slightly _______ eyes. slanting drooping bulging downward
17 He wore ___________ rings with large stones. silver gold platinum iron
18 Cotton bag contained 150 to ________ rupees  collected from the devotees. 100 200 300 400
19 The name of Maulvi‟s First born child was: Zaib-ul-nisa Mehrunnisa Lutfunnisa Ayesha
20 Chaudhry Fateh Dad was the member of the  district: council government board bar
21 Maulvi Abul had saved rupees _______ only. 33 43 53 63
22 All these years Maulvi Abul had ___________  sources of inspiration. one two three four
23 Shamim Ahmad was the son of a : shopkeeper chaudhry teacher hafiz
24 How much did Maulvi pay for the shoes of  Umdatul Nissa? 12 annas 1o annas 8 annas 1 rupee
25 Who Inaugurated the shop of Shamim Ahmad? Maulvi Abul Ch. Fateh  Dad a hafiz a merchant

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