1st year syllabus

1st year English chapter 6 The Reward MCQs Notes

mcqs 1st year English

chp6-The Reward MCQs of 1st year English

In this post, I am sharing mcqs 1st Year English Chapter 6″ The Reward” MCQs Notes for Class 11 students. This is the 6th chapter in 1st Year English Book 1 and one of the motivational chapters that gives you a stimuli to do something so in this respect this lesson have a very important place in the Book-1 of 1st year. 

You can get more MCQs of 1st year english or other lessons of 1st year and short notes of poems ,plays questions, translation and explanations with idioms. To get the unsolved and unsolved  PDF click on the Download button given below.
After preparing these MCQs , try to give test of unsolved paper that is given in the PDF.

MCQs 1st Year English Chapter 6 The Reward  from Textbook Exercise

Q1: Choose the correct Option of MCQs 1st year English
1. The great throne room was turned into a kind of ?
(a) stadium (b) museum (c) gymnasium (d) swimming pool

2. Gorgios wanted to prove his parents?
(a) right (b) wrong (c) honest (d) loyal

3. Who disagree with Jorkans?
(a) hubert (b) terbut (c) john (d) Gorgios

4. In what age the wild idea of being a court acrobat came to his mind.
(a) 60 (b) 40 (c) 16 (d) 6

5. At the age of sixteen he won the:
(a) high jump (b) the hurdles
(c) the hundred yard race (d) high jump, 100 yards and hurdles

6. Its customs weren’t so silly as you suppose.
(a) heard (b) laws (c) logical (d) social practices

7. and Jorkens uttered a quiet sigh.
(a) felt (b) expressed (c) wished (d) imagined

8.So clearly mourning over some lost ambition that he himself had given up.
(a) grief (b) pleasure (c) punishment (d) lesson

9.It only remained then to inaugurate him.
(a) congratulate , welcoming (b) open formally, admit to office
(c) investigate, call (d) blame, teased

10. It was indeed a splendid scene.
(a) Magnificent (b) pretty (c) beautiful (d) horror

——-Subjective part of mcqs 1st year English——–

Q2.  Translate Into Urdu

Lights glittered, a band in pale green and gold played softly, and it was indeed a splendid scene. I will not describe it to you, because everything there, the uniform and the ladies, brilliant dresses, was utterly put in the shade by the moment when the doors opened with a flood of golden light, and the old man in his brilliant uniform appeared between them for the crowning of his life’s work.

Q3. Explain these lines with Reference and context

Bare foot, through the bazaar
and with the same undulant grace
as the cloth blown back from her face,
she glides with a stone jar,

Q4. Write an application of “ Remission of fine”
Q5. Answer any 5 questions
a) How did the Jorkens convince that a man can become a skating champion of the shara?
b) What is the role of the general powers?
c) What is the theme of the kretons study?
d) What are the feelings of the poet standing in the dark? ( in the street of fruit stall)
e) Why has the poet used “ cannon balls” to describe the fruits?
f) How did Jorkems persuade his people to make his country strong?

Q6. Write any 3 pairs of words











Q7. Punctuate these lines…

anything jorkens replied so long as he sticks to it and sticks to it hard enough and long enough

Extra mcqs 1st year English

Q.1. Choose the correct option for under lined word. 
Statements  D
1 Our talk at club one day was of opportunity and determination. chance hardwork labour aim
2 But as the years went by, how wore down  opposing arguments. continued passed slipped Missed
3 His thin figure made all the melancholy by the  tight fitting uniform. pleasant sad happy agreeable
4 But again the applause broke out. hope admiration clapping arguments
5 Its customs were not silly as you suppose. tough hard foolish normal
6 But all the while, he stuck to his one idea. clung attacked joined loved
7 The man who keeps on, wins the race. struggles waits terminates continues
8 But whatever his motive was, he hit on a most  extraordinary ambition. meaning liking difficulty purpose
9 Our talk at club one day was of opportunity and  determination. mind willpower idea planning
10. With pointed shoes. He leaned on a gilded  stick. danced lay on looked swayed
11 And Jorkens uttered a quiet sigh. talked told spoke answered
12 And very magnificent clothing it was. splendid good beautiful graceful
13 They let me see the great inauguration ceremony. launching rejoice celebration event
14 But whatever his motive was, he hit on a most  extraordinary ambition. undefined unwell unusual distant
15 With pointed shoes. He leaned on a gilded stick. silver golden bright new
16 He‟d be skating champion if really gave: money amount all his time all


17 Gorgios achieved his goal by going into: politics business agriculture people
18 The great throne-room was turned into a kind of: stadium workshop race track gymnasiu m
19 At the age of sixteen, he won the: high jump hurdles Hundred


All of


20 The ceremony offered a _______ scene. good splendid beautiful magnificen t
21 He achieved his ambition in more than ______  years. forty thirty sixty twenty
22 How would build a skating rank in: Arabia Sahara desert America
23 What was the colour of the uniform of Gorgios? blue brown pink red
24 Who was appointed as curt acrobat? Gorgios Jorkens Terbut King
25 What was the colours of the curtains hanging  along the walls. red and gold blue and  pink red and pink brown and gold

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