1st year syllabus

1st year English chapter 9 The foolish quack MCQS an papers

1st year english mcqs and papers

chp 9-The foolish quack 1st year english mcqs and papers

In this post, I am sharing 1st year  English 0f MCQs and papers Chapter 9 The Foolish Quack. This is the 9th Short Story in Class 11 English Book 1. You can get 1st Year English Book 1 notes by  visiting my website. The First Year English is divided into two textbooks. Book 1 is based on short stories and 1st Year English Book 3 is based on Plays and Poems.i uploaded all books shorty notes with important pair of words. yu can get them by visiting this site.

Students can download 11th Class All Subjects Notes by visiting Litenglishers .

Q1: Choose the correct Option of 1st year english mcqs and papers

1. Why did the camel fall ill ?
(a) by heat stroke (b) by infection
(c) by poison (d) when a melon struck in his throat

2. What was the effect of punishment on the quack?
(a) Uninfluenced (b) influenced (c) left the profession (d) return disgusted

3. Who made the quack understand his foolishness?
(a) old women (b) old man (c) villagers (d) camel man

4. The quack told the camel man that they were?
(a) stupids (b) wickeds (c) dishonest (d) wise

5. The foolish quack is a ?
(a) Folk tale (b) love story (c) fable (d) tragedy

6. The man was pretended that he was a doctor.
(a) posed (b) proved (c) claimed (d) announced

7. So they seized him , being minded to carry him before the king.
(a) grasped (b) summoned (c) released (d) punished

8. Do you not perceive? Answered the camel man.
(a) agree, act (b) experience, taken (c) understand ,feel (d) deceive, find

9.Two sturdy villagers carried it away.
(a) stout (b) lean (c) lazy (d) educated

10. These animals are camel of prodigious size.
(a) small, tiny (b) huge, enormous (c) middle, ripe (d) suitable, equitable

———subjective english MCQS and Papers——–

Q3. Explain these lines with Reference and context

To whom the mother sparrow feed?
conjoining beak with beak
with whom should she solace?
fissuring the atom bomb,

Q4. Write a story having the Moral “  Hard work never goes unrewarded “

Q5. Answer any 5  questions
a) What is a clump of trees?
b) According to Harry ,How does one bring merriment to the tired old human heart?
c)  What is Harry’s philosophy ( the oyster and pearl)
d) What is the importance of time?
e) What was the statue’s condition that the traveler saw in the desert?
f) What did the quack do with the old woman?
Write any 3 pairs of words











Q7. Punctuate these lines…

Ah cried the people this fellow is a villain so they seized him being minded to carry him before the king

Extra mcqs english MCQS and Papers

9. The foolish Quack 
Q.1. Choose the correct option for under lined word. 
Statements  D
1 Instantly, the melon was broken in camel‟s  throat. at once till when timely
2 An old woman, whose throat was swollen to a  frightful size, exclaimed. big serious great short
3 “Let us compel the wretch to dig her grave.” persuade educate force advise
4 Uninfluenced by the severity of the

punishment, the man mounted his camel and  went to next village.

untrained disgraced enthusiastic unaffected
5 These animals are the camels with prodigious size and strength. small great big enormous
6 Thus exhorted, the unfortunate man, in the  greatest fear, laboured away with all its might. urged advised persuaded criticized
7 „A pretty sort of doctor you must be‟ they cried. good ordinary simple educated
8 “It is not we who are stupid.” foolish simple intelligent amusing
9 How was a feeble old woman to stand the  blow of a mallet? weak thin flat fleshy
10. When consciousness returned, the bewildered victim inquired. senses eyesight vision hearing
11 An old woman, whose throat was swollen to a  frightful size, exclaimed. spoken cried out declared finished
12 Uninfluenced by the severity of the

punishment, the man mounted his camel and  went to next village.

shortness harshnes s heaviness bigness
13 “Ah”, cried the people, “this fellow is a villain.” criminal brave


idol scoundrel
14 The poor woman instantly expired. died recovered obliged left
15 When consciousness returned, the

bewildered victim inquired.

calm freighted active puzzled
16 What had stuck in the throat of the camel? a guava an apple a melon a big leaf
17 What did the quack claim to cure? fever malaria goitre pneumonia
18  Who was first presented for the treatment? a man a girl an old woman a camel
19  Who was actually stupid? the camel the quack the camel


the villagers
20  Where did the travellers stay? in an inn in a jungle in a haveli under trees
21 How was the quack treated when he had  dug the grave? honoured rewarded beaten well fined
22 What had happen to the throat of an old  woman? swollen painting infectious wounded
23 The quack blow the woman with a: mallet hammer stick handle
24 Where did the man go after receiving the  punishment? to hotel to camel


to next


to his home
25 What did the owner wrap around the neck of the camel? a rope a blanket a string a cloth

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