1st year syllabus

1st Year English plays Questions and Answers

1st Year Important plays questions and answers

This post contains 1st Year English Book 3 Play 1: Heat Lightning 2:Visit to a small Planet 3: OK Bye the Sea Questions & Answers for the Students of FSC Part 1. You will find the most easy-peasy Questions with Answers in this post.

Heat Lightening 

1st Year English Play 1 Heat Lightning Questions Answers Notes

Q.1 Why couldn’t the girl describe the killer?

Ans. She could not describe the killer because she was afraid and it was very dark so she had not seen him clearly.

Q.2 What were the circumstances that forced her to leave her car?

Ans. Her car ran out of gas so she left it, hopping to get a bus at stormy midnight.

Q.3 why did she ask for help from the first man? Or Why did the girl consider the first man her helper?

Ans. She asked for help from the first man because she thought that the killer was chasing her.  She, therefore, took the first man as her saviour and asked him to help her.

Q.4 What was the condition of the weather?

Ans. It was a stormy night and raining heavily. There were flashes of lightning and thundering.

Q.5 How did the second man accuse the first man of lying?

Ans. The second man had actually seen a girl in the room but the first man didn’t tell him about the girl that’s why the second man accused the first man of lying.

Q.6 Does the girl become suspicious of the first man as the play progresses?
Ans. No, the girl did not become suspicious of the first man as the play progresses, In fact, she thought that he would help her. 

Q.7 What is her impression of the second man?

Ans. She believes that the second man was the killer who was chasing her and afraid of him.

Q.8 Why didn’t she accompany the second man?

Ans. She did not accompany the second man because she thought he might be a killer and would kill her too.

Visit To a Small Planet

1st Year English Play 2 Visit To a Small Planet Questions Answers Notes

Q1. How does Kreton prove his extraordinary powers? Write five sentences.

Ans. Kreton read people’s minds, speaks all languages, and tells about the future. He can create an invisible wall and call’s himself immortal.

Q2. What is the purpose of Kreton’s visit to the Earth?

Ans. Kreton wants to study the culture of the earth but when he reaches the earth, he decides to take the charge of the world.

Q3. How advanced is the civilization of Kreton as compared to that of the Earth?

Ans. The civilization of Kreton is far more advanced than that of the earth. They are immortals, read people’s minds, speak all languages, and tell about the future.

Q4. Can the people of the Earth compete with those of Kreton?

Ans. No, the people of the Earth cannot compete with those of Kreton because they cannot control their emotions and they are mortal.

Q5. How damaging is violence in life? Write five sentences.

Ans. Violence is a threat to life. It destroys peace. It creates chaos. It stops the developmental process, makes man cruel, and takes him away from peace and justice.

Q6. What type of life do you foresee in the year 5000?

Ans. Life in the year 5000 will be more advanced. Science and technology will be used for the benefit of mankind and will conquer diseases, and social and economic problems.

Q7. How much impressive were the morals of Kreton?

Ans. Kreton was very polite, gentle, and honest. He stopped General Powers humbly by just creating a wall and didn’t harm anyone.

Q8. What is the role of General Powers in the play?

Ans. In the play, General powers is a symbol of the superpower and a faithful military officer. He takes Kreton as an enemy and tries to catch him but could not succeed because of Kreton’s extraordinary powers.

Q9. What is the theme of Kreton’s study?

Kreton visits the earth to study human civilization, that they are immortals, cannot control their emotions and also he wants to take the charge of the earth.

Q10. How does Kreton impress General Powers?

 Kreton impresses General powers with his honesty, speaking different languages, reading his thoughts, creating an invisible wall, and by telling him the future.

Class 11 English Book 3 A Visit to a Small Planet Play Additional Questions Answers 


Here are some  Additional Questions with Answers from Play Visit to Small Planet for FA, FSC Part 1 student.


Q11. What kind of person is Roger Spelding?

 Roger Spelding is a T.V host.He is middle-aged smug and speaks loudly.

Q12. Write a note on Mrs. Spelding.

Mrs. Spelding is a bored woman who worries about her rose garden but likes Kreton.

Q13. Write a note on Ellon.

Ellon is a lively and pure girl of twenty. She wants to marry John.

Q14. Write a note about John.

John is a brave and responsible young man. He is a farmer and wants to marry Ellen.

1st Year English Play 3 The OYster and The Pearls Questions Answers Notes

The Oyster and The Pearls

Q1. Where does the play take place?

Ans. The play takes place in a barber’s shop in O.K.-by-the-sea, California.

Q2. Why is Harry sitting in the barber’s chair?

Ans. Harry is sitting in the barber’s chair to have a haircut. 

Q3. According to harry, how does one bring merriment to the tired old human heart?

Ans. According to harry, one may bring merriment to the tired old human heart by composing a symphony, painting a picture, writing a book, or inventing a philosophy.

Q4. What is Harry’s philosophy?

Ans. Harry’s philosophy “a way to live” means to take life easy and do not worry about anything.

Q5. How much did Harry pay for his barber shop?

Ans. Harry paid seventy-five dollars for his barber shop. He has been living in Ok by the sea for Twenty-four years.

Q6. How many barbers are there in O.K.-by-the-Sea?

Ans. Harry is the only barber in O.K-by-the-Sea.

Q7. How much does Harry charge for haircuts?

Ans. Harry charges one dollar for a haircut but often he takes half a dollar or a quarter because the people of O.K-by-the-Sea are all poor.

Q8. Where is Clay going?

Ans. Clay is going to the beach,  to find something really good to get money by selling it.

Q9. Why does Clay need money?

Ans. Clay needs money to get his father to come home and to buy a gift for his mother.

Q10. What has happened to Clay’s father?

Ans. Clay’s father was a poor man. He left the house after fighting with his mother and did not come back.

Q11. what does Clay wants to put in the local newspaper?

Ans. He wants to put an ad in the local newspaper about his missing father who left the house, hoping that he returns after reading it.

Q12. Who is Miss McCutcheon? How does she feel about her job?

Ans. Miss McCutcheon is the new school teacher in O.K-by-the-Sea, She is not happy with her job and wants to leave and go back to Francisco to her house.

Q13. What is Miss McCutcheon looking for? How does she feel about the children of the town?

Ans. She is looking for a chance to teach but she feels that the children are not interested in the study. She says that they are only interested in games and the sea.

Q14. What does Harry advise Miss McCutcheon to do?

Ans. Harry advises her to go back. He says that she is too good for a town like O.K-by-the-Sea but he also advises her to teach English, singing, dancing, and cooking to the children of the town.

Q15. What kind of haircut does Miss McCutcheon want?

Ans. Miss McCutcheon wants a poodle haircut.

Q16. Can Harry give a poodle haircut? 

Ans. No Harry did not give her a poodle haircut.

Q17. What does Miss McCutcheon think that a poodle haircut will do to her appearance?

Ans. Miss McCutcheon thinks that a poodle haircut will help her to fit in the town and make her mature and simple.

Q18. Where has Clark Larrabee been? How does he get to O.K-by-the-Sea?

Ans. Clark Larrabee has been working in Salinas. He got to OK-Bye-the-Sea by truck.

Q19. What does Clark give Harry and for what purpose?

Ans. Clark gives Harry thirty dollars and asks Harry to give the money to his son, Clark, to take home.

Q20. How far is it to Hollywood from O.K-by-the-Sea?

Ans. Hollywood is about two hundred miles from O.K-by-the-Sea.

Q21. What work does the Man do?

Ans. The Man is a writer. He says that he writes a little bit of everything.

Q22. What did Clay find near the Black Rock?

Ans. Clay found an oyster near the Black Rock.

Q23. What according to Clay is in the oyster? How much is it worth?

Ans. Clay believes that there is a pearl in the oyster and its worth is at least three hundred dollars.

Q24. Does Miss McCutcheon believe that there is a pearl in the oyster?

Ans. No Miss McCutcheon doesn’t believe that there is a pearl in the oyster and says that only one oyster in a million has a pearl in it.

Q25. Why does Miss McCutcheon have a chair with three legs?

Ans. she wants to bring things from the sea the same as everybody else in town that’s why Miss. McCutcheon has a chair with three legs.

Q26. What kind of judge is Applegarth?

Ans. Judge Applegarth once judged animals at a country fair, so everybody calls him Judge now.

Q27. What year is it?

Ans. It is 1953.

Q28. What does Greeley have in a bottle?

Ans. Greeley has seawater in a bottle. He believes that the water of the sea is full of things.

Q29. Who suggests that they open the oyster?

Ans. Clay believes that there is a pearl in the oyster so Miss McCutcheon suggests that they should open the oyster.

Q30. Why does Harry want Wozzeck to come?

Ans. Wozzeck is the only watch repairer in the town so Harry wants him to come to open the oyster to avoid any damage.

Q31. How does harry describe the inhabitants of O.K-by-the-Sea?

Ans. Harry says that the people of O.K-by-the-Sea are poor. Few have jobs and few get pensions they earned their livelihood by selling chickens, eggs, and vegetables but they are happy and satisfied.

Q32. How does Miss McCutcheon view Harry’s thinking about the pearl in the oyster?

Ans.  She thinks that Harry is playing a  trick on clay. She scolds him for this but later she comes to know that Harry wants to help clay with money.

Q33. Why does the judge think that Miss McCutcheon will not last as a teacher? What kind of teacher does he think is needed?

Ans. The Judge thinks that Miss McCutcheon will not last a month as a teacher because she is too pretty. Their school needs an old experienced teacher.

Q34. What is Applegarth’s complaint about the sea?

Ans. Applegarth complains that the beach is not what it used to be. He says that the quality of the stuff the sea is washing up is not good anymore.

Q35. What kind of gadget does the writer describe?

Ans. The writer tells harry that there is a gadget like a safety razor in New York that is used to cut hair.

Q36. Who buys the oyster? How much does he pay?

Ans. The writer buys the oyster. He pays three hundred dollars for it.

Q37. Why does the writer not open the oyster?

Ans. No, The writer does not open the oyster because he knows that there is no pearl in it. He buys it to help clay.

Q38. Why does Clark Larrabee return?

Ans. Clark Larrabee returns to the town because he has read the ad that Clay put in the local paper.

Q39. What does the writer do with the oyster?

Ans. The writer puts the oyster into his coat pocket.

Q40. Who wrote the play, “The Oyster and the Pearl”?

Ans. William Saroyan wrote the play, “The Oyster and the Pearl”.


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