English Grammar

40+ Goodbye phrases in English

Goodbye phrases in English

There are many sentences or phrases we use in our daily life over and over but sometimes we don’t understand how to construe these phrases in English maybe just because of that, our native language isn’t English or maybe we do not pay much attention to them these phrases and sometimes we get bored using the same phrases over and over so why not make it little enthralling? Something new or engrossing aside from the boring words. 

Do you want to say more than “Hi” or wanna use engrossing phrases at your home or workplace and want to be fluent as a native speaker? Then you are in the right place.

But before starting the substantial thing is to get the knowledge of what is phrase.


“A group of words without a subject and verb adds meaning to a word but doesn’t make a complete sentence.”

Practice makes you perfect so try to make a little effort to get a full grip on these phrases that helps you to become a fluent speaker. For this purpose, you can get help from your English-speaking friend or you can use Google Translator for better pronunciation. You’ll get immediate feedback for the most accurate pronunciation. After you have mastered basic words and their proper pronunciation, learning the longer phrases that make up much of everyday conversation will be a natural transition.

Some tips and tricks to learn these phrases

  • Try to learn at least two phrases each day to focus on and say them aloud at least five to six times.
  • Always ready to grasp new words or phrases while watching tv or from anywhere and then try to speak them in front of the mirror.
  • Try to use them in real conversation.
  • Native English media like TV shows and podcasts can give you lots of examples of phrases and ways to hear a variety of common phrases used in context.

Here are some thrilling and  engrossing  phrases  to use in our daily life

Phrases used to say goodbye

The first thing you learn when studying English is “hello” and “goodbye”. For a good reason, they are very common words we use every day. However, there is more to it. Farewells are pretty hard and We’ve all learned that not all goodbyes are happy. They can be lighthearted at times, but they can also be heartbreaking. When it’s someone you care about and you don’t want to offend them, you have to think about saying goodbye.

 101 simple and effective ways to say goodbye

 Choose your favorite and make saying goodbye much easier than it seems. Keep scrolling! so stop using the basic goodbyes and do your final hurrah in style. There are many amusing methods to leave an impression on the person you are seeing off. so use them carefully while using them. As I was collecting all these phrases I noticed that we don’t use them randomly for any situation. It all depends on how casual, formal, or if you’re just writing a letter. Because of that, I arranged the phrases into 4 different categories

  1. Neutral phrases.
  2. Formal.
  3. Casual.
  4. And Written ways to say goodbye

Goodbye Phrases 

  • I am off
  • Goodbye
  • Take it easy
  • Bye-bye
  • Time to Scott’s little hoot
  • See you latter
  • Talk to you later
  • Bye, hope everything goes well.
  • Catch you later
  • Till later skater
  • I must be going
  • It was nice to see you.
  • I am out or out of here
  • Gotta go
  • Time to go buffalo
  • I gotta get
  • Peace /peace out
  • I gotta take off
  • Farewell

  • see you
  • Take care
  • ba-bye
  • I gotta head out
  • I gotta hit the road
  • Alright then/time to leave
  • Have a nice day
  • Have a good one
  • I just get going
  • Ok bye! I am running late
  • I gotta jet
  • Take it easy
  • Ta-Ta
  • ok!
  • Alright
  • Nice chatting with you
  • I am off
  • So long, I have to go now
  • Au revoir
  • be careful

More Goodbye PHRASES…..

  • Aloha
  • By now
  • Cheerio
  • I am off
  • Have a good day
  • See ya!
  • Enjoy!
  • See you tomorrow
  • See you there
  • Be seeing you
  • Farewell
  • See you around
  • Bye for now
  • Bye, hope you do well.
  • How about a hug bug
  • Take care polar bear
  • Be seeing you
  • Hope you get some rest.
  • Have a nice day
  • I’ll be seeing you
  • I should get back to work.
  • Bye! falicia
  • See you soon baboon
  • ok! have fun
  • Till we meet again

  • Well, I know you’re busy so I won’t keep you any longer. It was nice talking to you.
  • Behave yourself after me
  • God bless you
  • Glad you called
  • See you some more
  • See you in my dreams
  • Drop it again
  • Don’t work too hard
  • Have a good trip
  • Bon voyage
  • Have a great day/morning/evening/afternoon
  • Come whenever you can
  • Take it slow
  • Go home with me
  • I am gone
  • Don’t forget me
  • Bye, dear
  • Hop to little kangaroo
  • Bye chicky
  • Don’t be a stranger
  • See you later alligator!
  • Laters!
  • Smell you later
  • I’m out
  • After a while crocodile
  • Bye! I’ll gonna miss you
  • Bye! hope to see you someday
  • Miss you already! Bye sweety
  • Bye bye butterfly
  • Blow a little kiss little fish
  • Out the dinosaur
  • Hop hop my lambchop
  • Till later skater
  • Shake shake little snake
  • I am outta here

More Goodbye PHRASES…..

  • I enjoyed talking with you, and I hope to do it again
  • See you soon
  • Hit the road baboon
  • Gorra runs Skelton
  • Better shake rattlesnake
  • Hope it goes well for you.
  • Give a hug ladybug
  • I am off
  • Goodbye
  • Take it easy
  • Bye-bye
  • Time to Scott’s little hoot
  • Maybe soon raccoon
  • Chop chop lollipop
  • Where to cockatoo
  • Chow chow brown cow
  • Better swish jellyfish
  • In an hour sunflower
  • I must go now
  • Be a sweet parakeet
  • Stay beautiful
  • Well, I am off

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