English to Urdu Vocabulary

50 Common Synonyms Words in English | English Vocabulary

50 Common Synonyms Words in English | English Vocabulary

Learn 50 very common and interesting synonyms words list in English. In this lesson, we will learn a very common list of synonyms words in English. Learn the list of 50 synonyms words and enhance your English vocabulary skills.

Understanding basic synonym words is a fundamental building block in the journey to enriching one’s vocabulary. When we delve into the realm of language, we often encounter instances where we wish to express the same idea or concept in a myriad of ways, and that’s where synonym word lists come into play.

50 Common Synonyms Words

In this section, we will learn a list of helpful synonyms words with their use in a sentence. Learning the synonyms words list with their use in a sentence will not only enhance your English vocabulary although it will improve your conversation skills. So, let’s learn the entire list of synonyms:

  • Happy – Joyful, Content, Pleased
  • Sad – Unhappy, Sorrowful, Depressed
  • Big – Large, Huge, Enormous
  • Small – Tiny, Little, Miniature
  • Fast – Quick, Rapid, Speedy
  • Slow – Sluggish, Unhurried, Leisurely
  • Beautiful – Attractive, Lovely, Gorgeous
  • Ugly – Unattractive, Unsightly, Hideous
  • Smart – Intelligent, Clever, Bright
  • Stupid – Dumb, Foolish, Unintelligent
  • Easy – Simple, Effortless, Straightforward
  • Hard – Difficult, Challenging, Tough
  • Rich – Wealthy, Affluent, Prosperous
  • Poor – Impoverished, Needy, Destitute
  • Brave – Courageous, Fearless, Bold
  • Cowardly – Timid, Fearful, Spineless
  • Friend – Companion, Ally, Comrade
  • Enemy – Foe, Opponent, Adversary
  • Love – Adore, Cherish, Affection
  • Hate – Detest, Loathe, Despise
  • Funny – Amusing, Humorous, Entertaining
  • Serious – Grave, Solemn, Sober
  • Warm – Hot, Heated, Toasty
  • Cold – Chilly, Cool, Freezing
  • Clean – Tidy, Neat, Spotless
  • Dirty – Filthy, Unclean, Grimy
  • Quiet – Silent, Noiseless, Peaceful
  • Loud – Noisy, Boisterous, Deafening
  • Healthy – Fit, Well, Robust
  • Sick – Ill, Unwell, Ailing
  • Young – Youthful, Juvenile, Adolescent
  • Old – Elderly, Aged, Senior
  • New – Fresh, Recent, Novel
  • Old (object) – Ancient, Aged, Vintage
  • Strong – Powerful, Sturdy, Robust
  • Weak – Frail, Feeble, Delicate
  • Bright – Luminous, Radiant, Shining
  • Dark – Dim, Gloomy, Shadowy
  • Expensive – Costly, Pricey, High-priced
  • Cheap – Inexpensive, Economical, Affordable
  • Full – Filled, Packed, Complete
  • Empty – Vacant, Hollow, Void
  • Start – Begin, Commence, Initiate
  • Finish – End, Conclude, Complete
  • Give – Donate, Offer, Present
  • Take – Grab, Seize, Acquire
  • Accept – Receive, Agree, Embrace
  • Reject – Refuse, Decline, Dismiss
  • Win – Triumph, Succeed, Conquer
  • Lose – Fail, Beaten, Defeated

The above listed synonyms words are the most common and helpful for a beginner. Now, we will learn the use these synonyms words in a sentence. As the above list contains one word with three synonyms, we will also write here three example sentences of each synonyms words:

  • Happy: She feels happy today. / She feels joyful today. / She feels content today.
  • Sad: He looks sad. / He looks unhappy. / He looks sorrowful.
  • Big: That house is big. / That house is large. / That house is huge.
  • Small: The kitten is small. / The kitten is tiny. / The kitten is little.
  • Fast: She runs fast. / She runs quickly. / She runs rapidly.
  • Slow: The turtle is slow. / The turtle is sluggish. / The turtle is unhurried.
  • Beautiful: The sunset is beautiful. / The sunset is attractive. / The sunset is lovely.
  • Ugly: The monster is ugly. / The monster is unattractive. / The monster is hideous.
  • Smart: He is smart. / He is intelligent. / He is clever.
  • Stupid: That was a stupid mistake. / That was a dumb mistake. / That was a foolish mistake.
  • Easy: This puzzle is easy. / This puzzle is simple. / This puzzle is effortless.
  • Hard: The exam was hard. / The exam was difficult. / The exam was challenging.
  • Rich: She is rich. / She is wealthy. / She is affluent.
  • Poor: They are poor. / They are needy. / They are impoverished.
  • Brave: The firefighter is brave. / The firefighter is courageous. / The firefighter is fearless.
  • Cowardly: He acted cowardly. / He acted timidly. / He acted fearfully.
  • Friend: He is my friend. / He is my companion. / He is my ally.
  • Enemy: They are enemies. / They are foes. / They are opponents.
  • Love: I love this book. / I adore this book. / I cherish this book.
  • Hate: She hates spiders. / She detests spiders. / She loathes spiders.
  • Funny: The joke was funny. / The joke was amusing. / The joke was humorous.
  • Serious: This is a serious matter. / This is a grave matter. / This is a solemn matter.
  • Warm: The soup is warm. / The soup is hot. / The soup is heated.
  • Cold: The ice cream is cold. / The ice cream is chilly. / The ice cream is freezing.
  • Clean: The room is clean. / The room is tidy. / The room is spotless.
  • Dirty: His hands are dirty. / His hands are filthy. / His hands are grimy.
  • Quiet: The library is quiet. / The library is silent. / The library is noiseless.
  • Loud: The music is loud. / The music is noisy. / The music is boisterous.
  • Healthy: She is healthy. / She is fit. / She is well.
  • Sick: He is sick. / He is ill. / He is unwell.
  • Young: The child is young. / The child is youthful. / The child is juvenile.
  • Old: My grandfather is old. / My grandfather is elderly. / My grandfather is aged.
  • New: I bought a new car. / I bought a fresh car. / I bought a recent car.
  • Old (object): The book is old. / The book is ancient. / The book is vintage.
  • Strong: He is strong. / He is powerful. / He is sturdy.
  • Weak: She feels weak. / She feels frail. / She feels feeble.
  • Bright: The light is bright. / The light is luminous. / The light is radiant.
  • Dark: The room is dark. / The room is dim. / The room is gloomy.
  • Expensive: The dress is expensive. / The dress is costly. / The dress is pricey.
  • Cheap: The shoes are cheap. / The shoes are inexpensive. / The shoes are affordable.
  • Full: The glass is full. / The glass is filled. / The glass is packed.
  • Empty: The box is empty. / The box is vacant. / The box is hollow.
  • Start: Let’s start the game. / Let’s begin the game. / Let’s commence the game.
  • Finish: I finished my homework. / I ended my homework. / I completed my homework.
  • Give: Please give me the book. / Please donate the book. / Please offer the book.
  • Take: Take the pen. / Grab the pen. / Seize the pen.
  • Accept: I accept your gift. / I receive your gift. / I agree to your gift.
  • Reject: He rejected the offer. / He refused the offer. / He declined the offer.
  • Win: Our team won the game. / Our team triumphed in the game. / Our team succeeded in the game.
  • Lose: They lost the match. / They were beaten in the match. / They were defeated in the match.

I hope, you will enjoy our today’s lesson. If yes, then please thumbs up!

50 Common Synonyms Words in English | English Vocabulary

50 Common Synonyms Words in English

50 Common Synonyms Words in English | English Vocabulary

Common Synonyms Words in English

50 Common Synonyms Words in English | English Vocabulary

50 Synonyms Words in English

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