1st year syllabus

clearing in the sky -11 class English mcqs of 2nd chapter

11 class english mcqs

11 class english mcqs of 2-clearing in the sky 

11 class  English MCQs  and subjective paper of clearing in the sky

In this post you will find Comprehension-based  English MCQ of “Clearing in the Sky” for FSC students Part 1. This short story is from lesson 2 in class 11 textbook. I have shared a post with complete English notes of book 1 for 1st year FA / FSC students. The Clearing in the Sky Q&A is also available on  litenglishers  . Not only the chapter notes, but you can also go through all the English short stories of Intermediate Part 1. I have divided Clearing in the Sky MCQs into 2 parts, Clearing in the Sky Synonym MCQ and Comprehension Based MCQs and grammar MCQs to maximize the content.

Q1: Choose the correct Option of 1st year English MCQs.
1. How many children have the man?
(a) ten (b) four (c) thirty (d) five

2. The land was fenced by?
(a) the farmers (b) the doctors (c) the old man (d) the son

3. What type of special tree found by the old man?
(a) palm (b) peach (c) coffee (d) apple

4. What is the age of good book allows a man to live?
(a) 40 years (b) 35 years (c) 90 years (d) 70 years

5.The clearing on the top was not more than.
(a) an acre (b) two acres (c) three forth of an acre (d) five acres

6. Looks at this jess, he bragged.
(a) boasted (b) said (c) asked (d) ordered

7. He began to climb the second bluff.
(a) tree, leaf (b) steep rock, cliff (c) mountain, top (d) valley, bridge

8. There was a rim, of a shadow over the rows.
(a) coolness, mountain (b) shadow, tree (c) circle, edge (d) patch, top

9. He cut a wisp of alfalfa.
(a) bunch , tuft (b) plant , tree (c) fruit, branch (d) flower, heap

10. I colud not protest to him now.
(a) assert (b) complain (c) stop (d) figh

———————subjective part 11 class english mcqs ——————–

Q2.  Translate Into Urdu
They will ripe too, I said as I looked at the dozen or more rows of tomatoes on the lower side of the patch. Then above the tomatoes were a half-dozen rows of yams. Above the yams were, perhaps, three dozen rows of potatoes.

“I don’t see a weed in this patch,” I laughed.” Won’t they grow here?”

Q3. Explain these lines with Reference and context

Letters for the rich, letters for the poor
The shop at the corner, the girl next door
Pulling up Beattock, a steady climb;
The gradients against her, but she’s on time

Q4. Write an application of         “Full fee concession”

Q5. Answer any 5 questions
a) Why did the old man take the steep path?

b) What was the condition of the weather?
c) why did second man accused the first man of lying?
d) What does the night Mail bring?
e) What does the poet mean by rich and poor leaves?
f) What were the names of the vegetables that old men grow secretely?
Q5: Write any 3 pairs of words

All ready










Q7. Punctuate these lines…
all paths go to the same place he answered then why do you take the steep one I asked

-Extra 11 class english mcqs—-


Q.1. Choose the correct option for under lined word. 
Statements  D
My curiosity was aroused.  despair  eagerness  anger  joy
“Look at this, Jess.” He bragged boasted  spoke  pointed  criticized
3 He pointed across the high point of rugged land.  rough  soft  even  plain
4 I managed to stand on land by holding a little sapling. young tree  old tree  brand of  


leaves of  tree
He wiped more sweat from his face.  looked  dropped  cleared  poured
6 A small cleared patch was in the heart of the  wilderness. green place  costly land  cleared  


deserted  land
7 The second bluff lifted abruptly from the  land toward the sky.  slowly  suddenly  fairly  harldy
He would do it if he had to crawl creep  play  work  invest
I could not protest to him now.  defend  believe  complaint  fight
10.  In October, when the rabbits were ripe and  the frost had come.  young  mature  old  healthy
11  “That brings back something to me.”  refrains  holds  reminds  follows
12  I had seen many species of hard and soft  wood tress.  kinds  branches  flowers  places
13  I thought he had found a new kind of grass  or an unfamiliar herb.  untold  irregular  inefficient  unknown
14  I have cheated the death many times.  seen  defeated  spoken to  deceived
15  On the lower side of the clearing, there was  a rim of shadow.  space  part  hole  edge
16  What did the old man want to show to his son?  his farm  his land  a patch of  


17  The day was  hot  pleasant  rainy  humid
18  How many years ago the doctors told the old man to take rest?  ten  twenty  thirty  forty
19  How many children does the old man  have?  three  four  five  six
20  In how many years did the old man  improve the land?  twenty  thirty  forty  sixty
21 What did the old man cut with his knife?  a sapling  a wisp of alfalfa  a tomato  a flower
22  Why did the old man hunt the squirrels?  to sell  to kill  to cook  to pet
23  The land was fenced by  the sun  the mother  the old man  the cattle
24  What type of special tree was found by  the old man?  cherry tree  alfalfa  coffee tree  apple tree
25  What is the current age of the old man?  40 years  50 years  60 years  70 years

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