English to Urdu Vocabulary

Vertebrates and Invertebrates Names in English with Difference

Vertebrates and Invertebrates Names in English

Learn the hugely listed names of vertebrate and inverteberate in English. In this lesson, we are going to cover the difference between verteberate and inverteberate animals with a bundle of examples in English. Learn the entire lesson and enhance your English vocabulary skills. This lesson is going to be very helpful for you about animals.

Differences between Vertebrates and Invertebrates

Vertebrates Invertebrates
Body Structure Have a backbone composed of vertebrae. Lack a backbone; the body is supported by exoskeleton, hydrostatic skeleton, or neither.
Nervous System Have a well-developed central nervous system, including a brain and spinal cord. May have a centralized nervous system (e.g., cephalization in some groups) or a decentralized nervous system (e.g., nerve nets).
Mobility Most have complex muscular systems allowing for diverse movements. Mobility varies widely; some have legs, wings, or tentacles, while others move using cilia or muscular contractions.
Size Range from tiny creatures like insects to large mammals like whales. Range from microscopic organisms to relatively large animals like giant squid or octopus.
Respiratory System Most have lungs or gills for respiration. Respiration occurs through diffusion or specialized structures like tracheae, gills, or book lungs.
Examples Mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish. Insects, spiders, worms, mollusks, jellyfish, sponges.

The above table provides the differences between verteberate and inverteberate animals. I hope your confusion will be clear after reading the above details and differences between verteberate and inverteberate animals. Now, let’s explore all types of verteberate and inverteberate animal names:

Verteberate Animals

Here’s a huge list of verteberate animals name in English:

  1. Mammals
    • Elephant
    • Tiger
    • Dolphin
    • Human
    • Giraffe
    • Whale
    • Bat
    • Kangaroo
    • Lion
    • Gorilla
  2. Birds
    • Eagle
    • Sparrow
    • Penguin
    • Owl
    • Hummingbird
    • Flamingo
    • Peacock
    • Falcon
    • Pelican
    • Parrot
  3. Reptiles
    • Snake
    • Crocodile
    • Turtle
    • Lizard
    • Alligator
    • Komodo dragon
    • Chameleon
    • Anaconda
    • Gecko
    • Iguana
  4. Amphibians
    • Frog
    • Salamander
    • Toad
    • Newt
    • Axolotl
    • Caecilian
    • Tree frog
    • Bullfrog
    • Dart frog
    • Mudskipper
  5. Fish
    • Shark
    • Goldfish
    • Clownfish
    • Salmon
    • Angelfish
    • Swordfish
    • Catfish
    • Trout
    • Seahorse
    • Stingray

Invertebrate Animals

Here’s a huge list of inverteberate animals name in English:

  1. Arthropods
    • Insects (Ant, Bee, Butterfly, Beetle, Grasshopper, Mosquito, Fly, Dragonfly, Cricket, Cockroach)
    • Arachnids (Spider, Scorpion, Tick, Mite)
    • Crustaceans (Crab, Lobster, Shrimp, Barnacle)
  2. Mollusks
    • Snail
    • Octopus
    • Squid
    • Clam
    • Mussel
    • Slug
    • Oyster
    • Cuttlefish
    • Nautilus
    • Abalone
  3. Annelids
    • Earthworm
    • Leech
    • Ragworm
    • Christmas tree worm
    • Tube worm
    • Bloodworm
    • Lugworm
    • Polychaete
    • Arrowworm
    • Sandworm
  4. Echinoderms
    • Starfish
    • Sea urchin
    • Sand dollar
    • Sea cucumber
    • Brittle star
    • Feather star
    • Sea biscuit
    • Sea lily
    • Basket star
    • Sea daisy
  5. Cnidarians
    • Jellyfish
    • Coral
    • Sea anemone
    • Hydra
    • Box jellyfish
    • Portuguese man o’ war
    • Sea pen
    • Fire coral
    • Bluebottle
    • Sea wasp
  6. Platyhelminthes (Flatworms)
    • Planarian
    • Tapeworm
    • Fluke
    • Turbellarian
    • Monogenean
    • Rhabdocoel
    • Schistosome
    • Cestode
    • Trematode
    • Acoelomate
  7. Poriferans (Sponges)
    • Sea sponge
    • Glass sponge
    • Demosponge
    • Calcarea
    • Hexactinellid
    • Sclerosponge
    • Siliceous sponge
    • Carnivorous sponge
    • Homoscleromorph
    • Calcisponge
  8. Rotifers
    • Bdelloid rotifer
    • Monogonont rotifer
    • Seisonid
    • Acanthocephalan
    • Seisonidae
    • Seisonacea
    • Syndermata
    • Pararotatoria
    • Eurotatoria
    • Pseudocoelomate

I hope that I mentioned all the names of verteberate and inverteberate animal. If any name is missed, then please do comment that which name is missing that also can be put in above list.

Read More:

  1. Carnivores, Herbivores and Omnivores Animal
  2. 50 Mammals Animal
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