English Grammar

100 Singular and Plural Words in English

100 Singular and Plural Words in English

In English, there are many different topics that can be learned to express ourselves more effectively. One fundamental concept in English grammar is the difference between singular and plural words. This article provides an overview of what these terms mean, how plural forms are created, and some common exceptions to the rules along with their 100 examples.

What Are Singular and Plural Words?

Singular and plural words denote the number of people, objects, or concepts being referred to in a sentence.

Singular: Refers to one entity. For example:

  • A single apple, child, or book.

Plural: Refers to more than one entity. For example:

  • Multiple apples, children, or books.

Rules for Forming Plurals

1. Add -s: Most words take this form.

  • Singular: car, cat
  • Plural: cars, cats

2. Add -es: For nouns ending in -s, -sh, -ch, -x, or -z, add -es.

  • Singular: bus, watch
  • Plural: buses, watches

3. If a noun ends in a consonant + -y, change the -y to -ies.

  • Singular: baby, city
  • Plural: babies, cities

4. If a noun ends in a vowel + -y, simply add -s.

  • Singular: boy, key
  • Plural: boys, keys

5. For some nouns, the -f or -fe is changed to -ves in the plural.

  • Singular: wolf, knife
  • Plural: wolves, knives

However, some nouns just add -s (e.g., roofroofs).

Common Mistakes

  • Applying regular plural rules to irregular nouns (e.g., childs instead of children).
  • Confusion with words that don’t change in plural form, like fish and sheep.
  • Using incorrect forms like criterias instead of criteria.

Understanding singular and plural words is crucial for mastering English grammar. By learning these rules and practicing their application, one can use singular and plural forms correctly in speech and writing, enhancing clarity and precision in communication.

100 Singular and Plural Words in English

What are Singular and Plural Words?

100 Singular and Plural Words

Here’s the list of 100 singular and plural words in English. At the end of the given images, you can download a free PDF book of this lesson:

Singular Plural
Apple Apples
Baby Babies
Leaf Leaves
Box Boxes
Foot Feet
Wolf Wolves
Woman Women
Tomato Tomatoes
Fish Fish
Deer Deer
Hero Heroes
Thief Thieves
Potato Potatoes
Piano Pianos
Bush Bushes
Goose Geese
Die Dice
Datum Data
Analysis Analyses
Thesis Theses
Medium Media
Index Indices
Curriculum Curricula
Bureau Bureaus
Species Species
Bison Bison
Shrimp Shrimp
Series Series
Alumnus Alumni
Antenna Antennae
Fungus Fungi
Curriculum Curricula
Oasis Oases
Phenomenon Phenomena
Parenthesis Parentheses
Foot Feet
Axis Axes
Shelf Shelves
Half Halves
Scarf Scarves
Tomato Tomatoes
Quiz Quizzes
Church Churches
100 Singular and Plural Words in English

Singular and Plural Words in English

Singular Plural
Mouse Mice
Ox Oxen
Child Children
Goose Geese
Tooth Teeth
Man Men
Elf Elves
Cactus Cacti
Sheep Sheep
Person People
Knife Knives
Volcano Volcanoes
Mango Mangoes
Quiz Quizzes
Glass Glasses
Axis Axes
Life Lives
Criterion Criteria
Diagnosis Diagnoses
Hypothesis Hypotheses
Appendix Appendices
Memorandum Memoranda
Formula Formulas
Buffalo Buffaloes
Aircraft Aircraft
Trout Trout
Swine Swine
Radius Radii
Alga Algae
Nucleus Nuclei
Stimulus Stimuli
Focus Foci
Louse Lice
Basis Bases
Datum Data
Criterion Criteria
Mouse Mice
Calf Calves
Wolf Wolves
Loaf Loaves
Piano Pianos
Fox Foxes
Watch Watches
100 Singular and Plural Words in English

100 Singular and Plural Words in English

The PDF book of this lesson is given below. Just click on the given link and download it for free:

Singular and Plural Words.pdf

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