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About Litenglishers

A handy little list of free English literature study guides.Literature, Linguistics, and Grammar-related Study Guides for help! Book summaries, quizzes, study help, and more.

Who We are?

Litenglishers is the most helpful study guide around the literature, Grammar, and Linguistics approach. Our goal is to help you to understand literature. We hope our literature guides and English learning content will help you to learn a new language and about literature quickly and effectively. Find sample tests, essay help, and literature reviews here.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide educational services worldwide to expand the canvas that allows all students to experience gaining success in exploring the literary world or learning something new. A wide range of free contemporary and classical literature is ready to be explored.

We inspire curiosity and the joy of learning because learning as of life’s most valuable pursuit and its greatest pleasure. We put our best efforts to provide you with what you ever needed. Whatever you want to know for whatever reason or by whatever means you want to learn something. we are here to help.

Services that we provide

  1. Literature-related Data
  2. Linguistics guide
  3. Grammatical Terms
  4. Daily use sentences and phrases
  5. PDF Books 
  6. English vocabulary
  7. Quizzes
  • you can get books pdf, summaries, quick facts, and timelines on key topics.
  • Clear and simple definitions with all grammatical terms to learn English fluently.
  • All the quizzes related to past papers and all literature & Linguistics related quizzes for having a full grip on your subject.

Why Choose Us

  1. We help you understand books, write papers, and study for tests On your e-Reader
  2. stay curious on the go.
  3. Litenglishers is the ultimate student resource for key subjects that makes learning easy-peasy.
  4. with Quick quizzes, you can test your retention before the test.

Our Values

Litenglishers believes that you can learn more by doing and building than by talking. We believe in the value of working with partners to achieve something greater than what either could achieve on their own. We believe there is a tremendous amount that users can teach you if you know how to listen and how to use that information.

We have created a new place where questions are at the center of learning. We love to share and talk about our methods almost as much as we love to talk about projects.  If you’re interested in how we do what we do, please check out our blog and collection of work on literature and Grammar, and don’t hesitate to email us if you want to learn more. we are always happy to offer guidance to folks in the community just starting on an innovation project.

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