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Advanced Vocabulary List PDF


No. Word Definition
1 abate to decrease; reduce
2 aberrant deviating from what is normal
3 abeyance temporary suppression or suspension
4 abscond to depart secretly and hide
5 abstemious moderate in appetite
6 admonish to caution or reprimand
7 adulterate to corrupt or make impure
8 aesthetic relating to beauty or art
9 alacrity cheerful willingness; eagerness; speed
10 alleviate to relieve; improve partially
11 amalgamate to combine into a unified whole
12 ambivalence the state of having conflicting emotional attitudes
13 ameliorate to improve
14 anachronism something out of proper time
15 analogous comparable
16 anarchy absence of government; state of disorder
17 anomalous irregular; deviating from the norm
18 antipathy dislike; hostility
19 apathy indifference
20 appease to calm; pacify; placate
21 apprise to inform
22 approbation approval; praise
23 arduous extremely difficult; laborious
24 artless guileless; natural
25 ascetic one who practices self-denial
26 assiduous diligent; hardworking
27 assuage to make less severe
28 attenuate to weaken
29 audacious daring; bold
30 austere unadorned
31 autonomous self-governing; independent
32 aver to affirm; declare to be true
33 banal commonplace; trite
34 belie misrepresent; give a false impression
35 beneficent kindly; doing good
36 bolster to give a boost to; prop up; support
37 bombastic pompous; using inflated language
38 boorish rude; insensitive
39 burgeon to flourish
40 burnish to polish
41 buttress to reinforce; support
42 capricious fickle
43 castigation punishment; criticism; chastisement
44 catalyst something causing change
45 caustic burning; sarcastically biting
46 chicanery trickery; fraud
47 coagulate thicken; congeal
48 coda concluding section of a musical or literary composition; something that summarizes or concludes
49 codify to systematize
50 commensurate proportional
51 compendium brief, comprehensive summary

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