English Grammar

Adverb Types with Examples in English



Adverbs are the main part of speech that we use to modify verbs, adjectives, sentences, and even other adverbs. If you’ve studied grammar, you probably know that words like calmly, everywhere, and so on are examples of adverbs. But did you know that there are different types of adverbs? First of all, we need to figure out what exactly an adverb is. 

What is an Adverb?

“It is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or itself.”

It tells about the verb. It tells how, where, when, how often, or to what extent.

For Instance:

  • The Children shout loudly.
  • He eats well.
  • He plays the Piano beautifully.
    They go out to lunch weekly.

Types of  adverbs:

Adverb Types with Examples in EnglishLike other parts of speech such as nouns and verbs, there are several different types of adverbs. Adverbs are usually separated according to what questions they answer or what information they give us. Right now, we’re going to look at six common types of adverbs.

  1. Conjunctive adverbs
  2. Adverbs of frequency
  3. Adverbs of time
  4. Adverbs of manner
  5. Adverbs of degree
  6. Adverbs of place

1: Conjunctive adverbs

“Conjunctive adverbs are those that are used to connect two sentences or two clauses.”

Example sentences:

  • Chocolate isn’t a healthy breakfast, Instead, you could eat fruits.
  • Daneer is the most popular member of the band; therefore, her name is always first on the posters.

2: Adverbs of frequency

“It tells us how often something is done.”

For Example:

always, constantly, continually, frequently, infrequently, intermittently, normally, occasionally, often, periodically, rarely, regularly, seldom, sometimes, etc

  • We take a vacation at least two a year.
  • I usually do my grocery shopping on Friday mornings.
  • He is often late for coffee.
  • We rarely see Hania.
  • My dentist told me I should floss twice a day.

3: Adverbs of Time

“Adverb of time express when an action happens, how often  and for how long it takes.”

For Example:

Soon now, later, then, tomorrow, today, the day after tomorrow, every day, weekly, annually, quarterly, yearly, yesterday, last month, tonight, last week, immediately, etc.

  • My sister lived in Afghanistan for a year.
  • I have been going to this Hospital since 2002.
  • I often eat seafood.
  • He never drinks tea.

4: Adverbs of manner

” Adverb of manner tells us how to do or in what way action takes place .”

Example sentences:

Adverb of Manner Example Sentence
well He writes well.
quickly The dog quickly ran after the biscuits.
slowly She stood up slowly.
happily They happily ate the pancakes.
sadly She looked up sadly.
angrily He asked angrily.

5: Adverb of degree

” It tells us about the potency of something, an action or another adverb.”


too, enough, very, and extremely, totally, completely.

  • They were almost finished.
  • This Biryani is absolutely wonderful.
  • The temperature was barely above melting.
  • Our driveway is completely frozen.
  • We felt incredibly lucky after winning tickets to Malaysia.
  • My teacher is terribly serious today.

6: Adverb of place:

“Adverb of the place indicates the position of an object where something is happening.”

Adverbs of place are usually placed after the main verb or after the clause that they modify. Adverbs of place do not modify adjectives or other adverbs.

For Instance:

Nearby, faraway, miles apart, everywhere, outside, away, around.

  • Hania looked around but he couldn’t see the lizard.
  • I searched everywhere I could think of.
  • I’m going back home.
  • Come in!
  • They built a laboratory nearby.
  • She took the baby outside.
Adverbs of place that are also prepositions

Many adverbs of place can also be used as prepositions. When used as prepositions, they must be followed by a noun.

Word Used as an adverb of place, modifying a verb Used as a preposition
around The marble rolled around in my palm.  I am wearing a stone around my neck.
behind Hurry! You are getting behind Let’s hide behind the bed.
down Hina fell down John made his way carefully down the hill.
in We decided to drop in on Alia .  I dropped the letter in the box.
off Let’s get off at the next stop.  The wind blew the leaf off the tree.
on We rode on for many more hours.  Please put the books on the chair.
over He turned over and went back to sleep.  I think I will hang the picture over my bed.
Adverbs of place ending in -where

Adverbs of place that end in -where express the idea of location without specifying a specific location or direction.

  • I would like to go somewhere warm for my vacation.
  • Is there anywhere I can find a perfect plate of pasta around here?
Adverbs of place ending in -wards

Adverbs of place that end -wards express movement in a particular direction.

  •  don’t usually walk backwards.
  • The ship sailed Northwards.
Adverbs of place express both movement & location

Some adverbs of place express both movement & location at the same time.

  • The child went outdoors.
  • He went and settled abroad.

adverb and its types

Parts of speech and their Types in detail

  1. Noun Types
  2. Pronoun Types
  3. Adjective and its types
  4. Verb and its Types
  5. Adverb and its types
  6. Interjection and its types
  7. Conjunction and its Types
  8. Preposition and Its Types

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