In English, there are many words that have the same meaning but the pronunciation is different. Similarly, there are many words that have the same pronunciation but meaning is different.
Pairs of Words
English words that have the same meaning and some are different in pronunciation. In this lesson, we are going to share with you 100 examples of pairs of words or confusing words in English along with meanings. Learning the pairs of words or confusing words is a good way to improve vocabulary, writing, reading, and speaking in the English language. Learn these confusing words and enhance your conversation and speaking skills. All are given below; let’s learn…
Read More: Pairs of Words with Example Sentences
100 Confusing Words
Here’s the list of 100 confusing word pairs with their meanings:
Word | Meaning | Word | Meaning |
Affect | To influence something | Effect | A result or consequence |
Accept | To receive or agree to something | Except | Excluding or not including |
Advice | A suggestion or recommendation | Advise | To give advice or suggest |
Adapt | To adjust or modify | Adopt | To take as one’s own |
Allowed | Permitted or let happen | Aloud | Out loud; with a clear voice |
Allusion | A reference to something indirectly | Illusion | A false idea or appearance |
Amoral | Lacking any sense of right or wrong | Immoral | Acting against moral principles |
Appraise | To assess the value of something | Apprise | To inform or tell someone |
Ascent | The act of climbing or rising | Assent | Agreement or approval |
Bare | Exposed, uncovered | Bear | To carry or endure something |
Berth | A place to sleep on a vehicle | Birth | The process of being born |
Beside | Next to | Besides | In addition to |
Bolder | More daring or brave | Boulder | A large rock |
Brake | A device to stop a vehicle | Break | To shatter or separate something |
Capital | A city that is a center of government | Capitol | A building where lawmakers meet |
Cease | To stop something | Seize | To take hold of something forcibly |
Censor | To remove offensive parts | Sensor | A device that detects something |
Cite | To quote as evidence | Site | A location or place |
Complement | Something that completes or adds to something else | Compliment | A polite expression of praise |
Conscience | A sense of right and wrong | Conscious | Being aware or awake |
Council | An advisory or governing body | Counsel | Advice or legal guidance |
Decent | Proper or respectable | Descent | The act of going down |
Device | A tool or gadget | Devise | To plan or invent |
Discreet | Careful not to attract attention | Discrete | Separate or distinct |
Elicit | To draw out or bring forth | Illicit | Forbidden by law or rules |
Emigrate | To leave one’s own country | Immigrate | To enter a new country |
Eminent | Famous or respected | Imminent | About to happen |
Ensure | To make certain of something | Insure | To provide insurance against loss or harm |
Farther | Greater physical distance | Further | Additional or more |
Fewer | A smaller number of countable items | Less | A smaller amount of uncountable items |
Flammable | Easily set on fire | Inflammable | Easily set on fire (same meaning as flammable) |
Imply | To suggest indirectly | Infer | To deduce or conclude |
Lay | To put or place something down | Lie | To recline or be in a horizontal position |
Lead | A type of metal | Led | Past tense of lead (to guide) |
Lose | To no longer have something | Loose | Not tight or securely fastened |
Medal | An award for achievement | Meddle | To interfere unnecessarily |
Moral | Relating to principles of right and wrong | Morale | The spirit or confidence of a group |
Peak | The highest point | Peek | To take a quick look |
Personal | Relating to an individual | Personnel | Staff or employees |
Precede | To come before something else | Proceed | To go forward or continue |
Principal | The main part or leader | Principle | A fundamental rule or belief |
Stationary | Not moving | Stationery | Writing materials |
Than | Used to compare two things | Then | Refers to time or a sequence |
Their | Belonging to them | There | Refers to a place |
To | Indicates direction or purpose | Too | Also or excessively |
Waist | The part of the body between ribs and hips | Waste | To use something without care |
Weather | The state of the atmosphere | Whether | Indicates a choice or doubt |
Who | Refers to a person or people | Whom | Object form of ‘who’ |
Your | Belonging to you | You’re | Contraction of ‘you are’ |
Allusion | A reference to something indirectly | Illusion | A false idea or appearance |
Elicit | To draw out or bring forth | Illicit | Forbidden by law or rules |
Amoral | Lacking any sense of right or wrong | Immoral | Acting against moral principles |
Gorillas | A large ape found in forests | Guerrilla | A fighter using unconventional tactics |
Ingenious | Very clever or inventive | Ingenuous | Innocent or naive |
Prescribe | To recommend or authorize, usually medication | Describe | To explain in words |
Profit | The financial gain from a business activity | Prophet | A person who speaks by divine inspiration |
Respectful | Showing respect or courtesy | Respective | Relating to each individually |
Weather | The state of the atmosphere | Whether | Indicates a choice or doubt |
Capital | A city that is a center of government | Capitol | A building where lawmakers meet |
Rational | Based on reason or logic | Rationale | The reason or explanation behind something |
Right | Correct or proper | Rite | A religious or ceremonial act |
Sole | The only one or the bottom part of a shoe | Soul | The spiritual part of a person |
Stationary | Not moving | Stationery | Writing materials |
Strait | A narrow waterway connecting two bodies of water | Straight | Direct and without curves |
Tortuous | Full of twists and turns | Torturous | Painful or causing suffering |
Wrap | To cover or enclose | Rap | A type of music with rhyming lyrics |
Yoke | A wooden crosspiece used to pair animals | Yolk | The yellow center of an egg |
The above table contains 100 English words that confuse us in speaking and writing. Learning these words along with their meanings helps you to understand these confusing words.
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