
The Lord Of The Rings chapter vise summary

The Lord Of The Rings

1: The Fellowship Of the Ring

The Lord of the Rings has three parts.
  1. The fellowship of the Ring
  2. The Two Towers
  3. The Return of the King

the lord of the rings

Book 1 of the lord of the rings,
Chapters 1-6

The shire to the Old Forest in the lord of the Rings

The shire to the old forest in the Lord of the Rings scenario starts with…
Bilbo Baggins, notably an old codger and whimsical hobbit, launch an amazing, unforgettable all-day party to celebrate his 111th birthday and also his cousin Frodo’s 33rd natal day. Even though elderly, Bilbo’s looks and enthusiasm seem to be half of his age, while Frodo is now rightfully able to take over  Bilbo’s landholding. During his after-dinner speech, Bilbo tells everyone that he is departing from the state, slips on his magic ring, and passes from the sight in front of his guests’ stunned eyes.

Return to his hobbit hole, Bag End, there he meet-up with his old buddy the wizard Gandalf, and they talk about his plan to leave everything, along with the ring to Frodo. Bilbo becomes anxious and doubtful and decides to nearly keep the ring to himself, but he eventually leaves it backside. After deciding to leave the Ring to Frodo, he feels free like a heavy burden has been lifted from his head.

Frodo has already figured out the plan and, decides to live a reputable life there. For seventeen years, not likely to happen aside from that Frodo appears not to change, as his age is stuck on that point, much like his vanished cousin. Now the time has come when the Travellers’ tales of adventures on the far side of the Shire begin to hit the shire, followed right away by Gandalf.

He came to know that the Ring Frodo possesses, is The One Ring that The Dark Lord  Sauron once constructed many moons ago. Sauron is hellishly a sinful wretch, and he wanted to get back the Ring just to enslave & rule over Middle-Earth.

 He has found out from Gollum that the Ring has been located and Sauron starts to find the One Ring. Now Frodo must leave the Shire sooner, before Sauron reach him, just to protect the Ring. Frodo makes a promise to Gandalf that he will leave the shire before autumn and the Wizard goes along with him to the Rivendell.

 To lead-astray any stalker, Frodo acts like he is moving from the country. Along with his friend & gardener, Sam Gamgee, and cousin Pippin Took, Frodo sets forward off-road by crossing the country. On the way, they frequently confronted many strangers, who wears large black cloaks having giant appearances riding on large black horses whose presence conjure up anyone who sees them.

Frodo feels that something urges him to put on the Ring to hide from the riders. One of those Black Riders is just about to find them hiding on the roadside but at the right moment with the arrival of a group of Elves who give the hobbits shelter for the night, they are scared off and flee.

Stubborn by the Black Riders on their tracks, the hobbits get Farmer Maggot to export them through a boat cross-ways to the Brandywine River. Safe for a short time in their new house at Crickhollow Frodo breaks the news to his bosom buddies Merry and Pippin that he will be leaving the Shire upfront crack of dawn.

They insist on going along with him, after knowing about his plans. To get rid of their chaser they decided not to go on the same road and set off for the Old forest. Timeworn woodland is notorious for devilish records located on the border of the shire.

The hobbits find the Old Forest distressing as Merry feels that the trees of the forest look more alive and spirited than ordinary trees. They watch trespassers, sometimes branches hanging on them or even their roots trying to grab them. The paths of the forest are gradually changing like a maze and they find themselves lead by the heart of the forest, the valley of the Withywindle.

They feel sleepy there and lay down to rest near a monstrous willow tree. A root of the tree tries to net Frodo into his trap but Sam saves him but they are unable to save Merry and Pippin who have been gulped by the splits of its shaft. When they are calling for help, they find a stranger wearing blue and yellow boots calling himself “Tom Bombadil”, who sings like nonsense but he saves Merry and Pippin from the Old Man Willow. He also shelters them for a night in his house on the border of the ancient Forest.


The introductory chapters of the novel the Lord of the Rings  introduce readers to the society and 

hobbits generally and the strange  Baggins family specifically. Bilbo’s luxuriant birthday party shows the happy life of the hobbits which centralized upon  the 

 celebration of living with appetizing food, fine drinks, giving presents, and happiness to lit fireworks or play with toys.

Hobbits actions

The hobbits’ actions at the party, particularly the discussion of Gaffer Gamgee and the company at the Green Dragon, also disclose their inadequacy that they have a very short time. Hobbits are unsophisticated tend to chitchat with others, and are even greedy or selfish, as the roaming hobbit’s obsession with Bilbo’s mythical wealth reveals. To put it simply hobbits are the typical epitome of the English before the wars, shielded in their safe little green country-land with all the good and bad that comes with that atmosphere.

When Gandalf from the lords of the rings came up with news that Bilbo’s magic ring is the “One Ring” that belongs to the Dark Lord Sauron which is the physical epitome of all that is the paramount evil in Middle-earth, that is the danger to the peaceful environment of the shire which urges Frodo to take up the Ring far away and more than this, he has the desire to have an adventure because the prospect to left the shire’s non -urban life is the idea that appeals to him.


He decides to leave the shire and take the Ring far away, not only to protect the shire’s” brainless inhabitants” but also on the demand of other characters along with Gandalf.


One of the utmost themes or center of attention of the book is to provide safeguard to the Shire by maintaining their lifestyle as an ideal community does. This ideal is not considered to be a wild one even though there is room in it for wild spaces. As the hobbit’s wanderings illustrate, it seems that the wilderness or wasteland is a place that is pretty attractive but also murderous at the same time.

Nature’s brutality

As there are many examples where nature seems to be cruel like “The  Ancient Forest” where they encountered the Black horse Riders and the “Old Man Willow” tree at its heart portrays nature as a threatening place and it also represents that nature is isolated, as their encounter with the devilish tree and also their previous experiences with the Black Riders shows that the abandonment of the wild places can be fatal.

The community people help out hobbits when they call for help, so we can say that without community help hobbits didn’t fulfill their tasks. They are just about to lose their lives more than once just because of the One Ring which they struggle to throw into Mount Doom to save the Shire and also Middle-Earth.

Life-saving act

What saves the crusade and the Hobbit’s lives is not their acts, as we know that they do their best to save everyone but sometimes their luck saves them. When Sam and Frodo run to get help to save Merry and Pippin from the Willow tree roots that swallowed them in their cracks so they weren’t able to help them but they are saved by luck. First Elves came to help them and then Tom Bombadil happens to come to be gathering lilies for his wife. Neither the saviors have an idea that they need help, they just arrive at the right moment to aid them.

Many such split seconds overstate the principle that Gandalf invokes when explaining how the Ring came to Bilbo, of all people:

I can put it no plainer than by saying that Bilbo was meant to find the Ring and not by its maker. In which case you also were meant to have it, And that may be an encouraging thought“.

Even though the hobbits’ lucky escape in the lord of the rings maybe works as their luck or chance, they may also have a meaning or objective far away from our viewpoint.

Next 6 to 7th chapter

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