
English Literature quizzes and past solved papers

english literature quizzes

English literature quizzes

Most crop up English literature quizzes of Famous playwrights, poets, and others in past papers of English literature. Past papers of Famous playwrights, poets, and others English Literature  Mcqs. MCQs are the adamental part of any competitive job associated with exams. The MCQs have specific numbers in any written test. That’s why everyone has to learn and remember the related playwright, poet, and others Mcqs. The Important series of Famous playwrights, and poets related to Mcqs  are given below:

The following incomplete statements of English literature quizzes followed by four options. Choose the most appropriate option.

21: Poem “The winding sTAR” WAS COMPOSED BY________.

(A)        T.S Eliot

(B)         Edith Sitwell

(C)         None of these

(D)         W.B.Yeats

22: The period of “university wits” was a little more than________.

(A)        5 years

(B)         6 years

(C)         10 years

(D)         None of these

23: Four history plays were written by_________.

(A)        Marlow

(B)         John Lyly

(C)         Peelo

(D)         Shakespeare

24: “Importance of Being Earnest ” was written by__________.

(A)        James Joyce

(B)         Arnold

(C)         Oscar Wild

(D)         T.S.E liot

25: The central idea of the song”Go and Catch a Falling Star” by Donne focuses on :

(A)        Women’s passion in love

(B)         Kindness of women

(C)         None of these

(D)         Women’s faithlessness

26: Thomas Moore’s “Utopia ” was origionally written in__________.

(A)        Latin

(B)         Freanch

(C)         Spanish

(D)         English

27: Linguistics deals with_______.

(A)        Semantics

(B)         Morphology & Syntax

(C)         Phonetics & Phenology

(D)         A, B, and C

27: We studies Language varieties in :

(A)        Psycho linguistics

(B)         Socio linguistics

(C)         Applied Linguistics

(D)         Historical Linguistics

28: English language has __________phonemes in its sound system.

(A)        24

(B)         23

(C)         44

(D)         54

29: Robert Frost’s poem “The Road not taken”is a poem with the idea of__________.

(A)        Duality

(B)         Optional

(C)         Dogmatism

(D)         Both A and B

30: Hardy is believe to be a _______.

(A)        optimist

(B)         Pessimist

(C)         Pragmatist

(D)         A and B

31: The masterpiece poem composed by T.S.Eliot is_____.

(A)        East Coker

(B)         The Hollow Man

(C)         The Wasteland

(D)         Ash Wednesday

32: “Barchester tower “is a famous novel written by:

(A)        Hardy

(B)         George Eliot

(C)         Trollope

(D)         None of these

33: A short story that teaches moral of spiritual lesson is called__________.

(A)        A moral story

(B)         A fantasy

(C)         A tragedy

(D)         A parable

34: Sylvia Plath’s poems are noted for their personal imagery and intense_______.

(A)        Grip

(B)         Dedication

(C)         Grief

(D)         Focus

35: Sylvia Plath became popular because of her_______.

(A)        Poetry

(B)         Drama

(C)         Novel

(D)         Plays

36: Syntactic is concerned with_________.

(A)        Phonetics

(B)         Socio Linguistics

(C)         Phonology

(D)         Syntax

37: “The comedy of errors” was written during______.

(A)        1584-1600

(B)        1588-1594

(C)         1594-1608

(D)         587-1100

38: Oedipus Rex focuses on role of__________.

(A)        Chance

(B)         Miscalculation

(C)         Fate

(D)         None of these

39: Which of the following is a tragicomedy?

(A)        Winter’s Tale

(B)         Hamlet

(C)         Othello

(D)         King Lear

40: Bertrand Russel was_________.

(A)        Agonist

(B)         Rationalist

(C)        A  fantasy

(D)         Both A and B

41: “The new Atlantis” is a kind of novel describing another Utopia as seen by_______.

(A)        Dryden

(B)         T.S.Eliot

(C)         Bacon

(D)         None of these

42: I have taken all knowledge to be my province is the claim of______.

(A)        Bacon

(B)         Aristotle

(C)         Wordsworth

(D)         Keats

43: Huxley’s pessimism about the large-scale social organization was dependent by the ________.

(A)        Black death

(B)         Decline of Church

(C)         Outbreak of 2nd World War

(D)         None of these

44: In Gulliver’s Travels Swift paints a dark picture of:

(A)        Religion

(B)         Poetry

(C)         political institutions and manners

(D)         Drama

45: tragic history of Dr.Faustus opens with_____.

(A)        Dr.Faustus is in his study room

(B)         Chorus

(C)         Call Mephitophilies

(D)         The speech of Wagner

46: Whom does the Satan discover the next angel in rank?

(A)        Mammon

(B)         Eve

(C)         Belial

(D)         Beelzebub

47: What does Lady Catherine forbid Elizabeth to do?

(A)        Marry Bingley

(B)         To resist Rosings

(C)         Marry Darcy

(D)         See Wickham

48: Pride and Prejudice depicts__________marriages in all:

(A)        4

(B)         5

(C)         7

(D)         8

49: Jane Austen’s “limited range” has been compared to___________inches of ivory:

(A)        2

(B)         4

(C)         6

(D)         10

50: Francis Bacon was born on________in London.

(A)        March 27, 1567

(B)         Febraury13, 1678

(C)         January 22, 1561

(D)         September 3, 1561

51: Bacon says that “an ungracious son_______—the mother.

(A)        Disturbs

(B)         Shames

(C)         Blame

(D)         Tease

52: Gulliver loves:

(A)        Writing

(B)         Adventure

(C)         Travelling

(D)         Fighting

53: Lady Catherine de Bourgh is Darcy’s _________.

(A)        sister

(B)         Mother

(C)         First Wife

(D)         Aunt

54: To which Bennet daughter does Mr.Collins propose  for marriage?

(A)        Mary

(B)         Elizabeth

(C)         Lydia

(D)         Jane

55: In his childhood Russel was interested in.

(A)        Mathematics

(B)         Chemistry

(C)         Physics

(D)         Psychology

56: Francis Bacon came of_____________.

(A)        Art loving family

(B)         Aristocratic family

(C)         Middle class family

(D)         Poor family

57: We are both going_______the same job.

(A)        after

(B)         for

(C)         before

(D)         down

58: She slipped and went _____with a bump.

(A)        before

(B)         again

(C)         down

(D)         in

59: Entrammel synonym?

(A)        arrange

(B)         enter

(C)         extricate

(D)         entangle

60: Which of the following is not a modernist art movement?

(A)        Dadaism

(B)         Realism

(C)         Surrealism

(D)         symbolism

61: What was the origin of the race of Nissim Ezekiel?

(A)        Indian Christian

(B)         Bani israel

(C)         Latin American

(D)         Dravidian

62: Who is the author of the un vanquished?

(A)        William Cuthbert Faulkner

(B)         O’Henry

(C)         F.Scott Fitzgerald

(D)         None of these

63: Which among the following novels of Dickens was left unfinished?

(A)        Bleak House

(B)         A Tale of Two Cities

(C)         The mystery of Edwin Droop

(D)         The Old Curiosity Shop

64: Who is “Thyrsis ” in the poem of the same name?

(A)        Arthur Hallam

(B)         Edward king

(C)         P.B.S helly

(D)         Arthur Hugh Clough

65: Sohrab and Rustum was Written by ?

(A)        Swinburne

(B)         Wrodsworth

(C)         Mathew Arnold

(D)         None of these

66: Willing suspension of disbelief is a phrase?

(A)        T.S.Eliot

(B)         Arnold

(C)         Dryden

(D)         Coleridge

67: An Alexenderine is verse line in?

(A)        A dactylic tetrameter

(B)         A trochaic meter

(C)         An iambic hexameter

(D)         Hexameter

68: The Alchemist is a?

(A)        Tragedy

(B)         Novel

(C)         Book on chemistry

(D)         Comedy

69: The numerous haunt of flies on summer eaves, The figure of speech is__________.

(A)        Metaphor

(B)         Hyperbole

(C)         Onomatopoeia

(D)         Simile

70: Bucolic refers to?

(A)        The poet who imitates pope

(B)         The poet who imitate Wordsworth

(C)         The poet who wrote pastoral poetry

(D)         the poet who wrote in praise of bear

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