English Grammar

Interjections,with Its Types with Examples


Have a look at the Types of Interjections

What is Interjection?

“A word that shows recklessness or sudden feelings and emotions known as an interjection”

For Example:

Hurry! we won the game.
Aww! that cat is so cute.
Oops! I left the pen on the table.

 They are not connected to the rest of the sentence and commonly end with the exclamation mark (!) and with commas (,). Interjections usually can stand alone or can be placed before, after, or in the middle of a sentence and mostly marked with an exclamation! point.

Commas, Period, or Exclamation Points After Interjections:

As often as not, interjections are followed by an exclamation (!)point to show sudden emotions or feelings like Hurry!  Hey! Oops! Ewe! Oh, no! but in some cases, it requires removing excessive passion and in the place of the exclamation mark, a comma or a period is used.

Example sentences
  • We’re going to Pakistan! Hurray!
  • Geez! you are overthinking
  • He’s late again, uff.
  • Congrats! You’ve finally won the match.
  • Indeed, I was a little confused to do this work.
  • Yes, I do want to work early.
  • No, you cannot deny the importance of social media.
  • No! I don’t want to see him again!
  • Ahh, this sofa is so hard. 
  • Well, just think of it before doing this.
  • Maybe you could, hmm, try next time.
  • It’s a  bit expensive, but yeah, it looks pretty cool.

interjections with examplesTypes of interjection

  1. Interjection for greeting
  2. Interjection for joy
  3. Interjection for approval
  4. Interjection for a surprise
  5. Interjection for  sorrow

1: Interjection for greeting

“Interjection of greeting Used to greet a person and expression of concern .”

Examples: Hi, hey, hello, etc

  • Hi! How do you do?
  • Hey! Listen I am a little confused about something.
  • Hello!  I am waiting for you outside my house.

2: Interjections for a surprise

“Used to express an intense sense of surprise when something happens with someone.”

Examples: What, oh, ah, eh, wow, etc.

  • What! She died in the hospital.
  • Wow! It is good to hear from you that you are getting married.
  • Ah! It feels too good.
  • Oh! You both look happy today.

3: Interjections for approval

“Interjection of approval used to praise and admire someone.” 

Examples: Bravo, brilliant, Well done, etc.

  • Well done! You did well today.
  • Bravo! You played well against Canada.
  • Brilliant!  You got high marks on you your examination.

4: Interjections for joy

“Interjection for joy is Used to express happiness and sudden feelings.

Examples: Wow, hurrah, hurry, etc.

  • Wow! You got high marks in the tenth class.
  • Hurrah! we won the match.
  • Hurry! we completed the task.

5: Interjection for Sorrow

“Interjection of sorrow Used to express the speaker’s feeling or sadness.”

Examples: Alas, Oh, ouch, etc.

  • Alas! Grandfather is no more with us.
  • Oh! Why are you going to Karachi?
  • Ouch! It’s a portrait but looks like a real one.
Some sudden feelings and emotions:
  • Joy: Hurrah! Husha! Ho Ho!
  • Grief: Oh! Ah! Alas! Alack! 
  • Amusement: Ha! Ha! Yeah!
  • Approval: Bravo! Hush!
  • Weariness: Height-ho!
  • Attention: Lo! Hark! Hush! Hist! Hayee!
  • Contempt: Stuff! Bush! Tut! – Tut!
  • Ridicule: Pooh! Pish! Pshaw! Tush!
  • Call: Ho! – Holla!
  • Doubt: Hum! Hem! Hump!
  • Surprise: Wow!

Phrases Used as Interjections

  • Ah me, or aey me! Woe is me!
  • For Shame! (also, on account of shame)
  • Alack, a day! (ah, lack or less on the day)
  • Hail, all hail! (be hale or healthy)
  • Welcome! (well done)
  • Good Bye! (God be with you)

List of Interjections

Oouch!  aa-choo adieu
boo hiss boo hu boo-ya
euw eureka farewell
haha ha-ha-ha hii
hrrmph hudd-up huh
naw nay nee
ooch oo-er Uuf
right-oh righty-ho rrah
tiddly tiddledy tiddley
word wotcher wotcher
aha a-ha ahem
bum by bye
foom fore frick
halloa hang it har
hup hurra hurrah
nuh nuh-uh nyah
oops ooyah oright
shazam shazbot shh
touche touché tut
wuxtry wuzza wuzzup
aoogah ar areet
chrissakes Christ chuffing hell
g’night gadzooks gah
heeey heehaw heh
jislaaik kaching kerthump
oh man oh me oh my oh my
pardon pardy peace out
silence snap snerk
uh-uh um umm
yes’m yesh yesish
ahh alas alleluia
bye-bye caw cheerio
FTW ftw fu
haw heads up heave-ho
hurray huzza huzzah
och oh oh boy
otay ouch ow
shhh shitfire shoo
tut-tut twirp uck
yaroo yarooh yay
bejaysus big deal blabbity
damn darn death to
good job good Lord good luck
ho honk hoo
Lord losh mhm
oh oh oh really oho
pop pow presto
tally-ho tara ta-ra
whatsay whee white rabbit
yow yuck yuk
aloha amen aooga
chin chin chin-chin chrissake
fuckyeah furrfu furry muff
heck heck no heeelp
iunno jeez jinx
oh dear oh em gee oh God
oy pah pardie
shots fired shough sibo
ugh uh uh-oh
yea yes yes way
zounds zzz
 ‘ello ‘ullo aaargh
blow me blow me down blow me over
do what doggone eaw
good-bye gosh grumpity
howdy howzat hoy
mmm morning mu
Ok okeydoke okey-doke
prosit pugh rah
tchah tehee that’s a girl
whoopee whoosh why on Earth
aww ay aye
cooey cor crikey
get bent goddamit goddammit
here here goes hey
la lackaday land sake
oh my gods oh my gosh oh my heck
phut phwoarr pip pip

Other Interjections that we somehow uses daily

wahey weh whallah
yo-ho-ho yoo-hoo you go, girl
adios affirmative ah
bow-wow bravo brother
feh fie flummery
halleluja hallelujah hallo
hullo hulloa hum
net-net nom nom nu
ooh oooh ooooh
sh shana tova shazaam
tiddly tillie vallie toodle-oo
wough wow wuxtra
whoa whoah whoo
yum yum yum yup
bacaw bah basta
cripes crud cya
goddamn goddidit Goddidit
hic hiya hm
land sakes leave it out leave off
oh my hell oh my Lord oh my stars
pip-pip plinkety poo
strewth sue me sure
How we react to quieten someone
sry ssh stop
velcome view halloo wacko
yippee yiss yo
bastard batter up begorrah
d’aww dag dammit
Goddy golly good heavens
hmm hmmm hmmph
lee-ho lo loo
oh my word oh my Zeus oh no
poof poogh pooh
taa ta-da ta-dah
wham whammo whamo
you know you know it you knows it
avast avaunt aw
ciao codswallop cooee
gee geronimo get away
heigh-ho heita hello
kill me kthxbai la
oh my days oh my God oh my Goddess
peow phew phoh
so there so what srsly
unberufen upadaisy urgh
yessir yessiree yessirree
blabity blah blimey
dildo ding dong dizamn
good morrow good now goodbye
hoorah hooray how
migod mm mm-hmm
oh-oh oi OK
prethe prethee proface
ta-ta ta-ta for now ta-tah

Parts of speech and their Types in detail

  1. Noun Types
  2. Pronoun Types
  3. Adjective and its types
  4. Verb and its Types
  5. Adverb and its types
  6. Interjection and its types
  7. Conjunction and its Types
  8. Preposition and Its Types

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