1st year syllabus

MCQs of 1st year chapter 14 “Overcoat” ennglish test series

chp14 “Overcoat” MCQs of 1st year

This post contains an Overcoat Questi0n paper with mcqs for FA, FSC Part 1. This short story is Chapter 14 in the textbook of Class 11. This story is written by
Ghulam Abbas and revolves around the character of a young man. The young man was pretending to be a rich guy but in fact, he was n0t. The story is about the emotions that your financial conditions cannot stop you from enjoying yourself. I have already shared mcqs of 1st year and papers of all short stories of FA, FSC B00k 1, sh0rt stories, which are available here. Also, you can go through all the English N0tes of Class 11.

Q1:   Choose the correct Option of MCQs of 1st year

What was the color of the overcoat of the young man?
green (b) brown                               (c) pink                          (d)  black

What were the names of the nurses on the duty?
shehnaz and gill (b) nasreen and jamila (c) zahida and kausar           (d) zakia and kausar

What was the time and day when the young man was walking?
Saturday evening        (b) Friday morning
Saturday morning               (d)  Sunday  evening

What was playing in one of the restarurants?
rubab (b)  piano                                (c) guitar                          (d)  orchestra

What was the price of the carpet?
1432           (b) 1500                 (c)  1600                         (d)  1550

He was ambling along obviously enjoying his promenade.
walking leisurely, strolling        (b) running, walking
moving, briskly                         (d)  frisking, frealy

He was ambling along obviously enjoying his promenade.
feeling, feel                          (b)   walk , strol      
music, tone                          (d)  tea, cigerate

8.It was cold that induced people to seek comfort in pleasure.
advise                          (b)  tease                                 (c) convince                     (d)   beg

9. It was not only the profligate who ranged abroad.
enjoy, happiness                          (b) wandrers, came out        
younger , aged                              (d)  licentious, adults

10.The pavement thronged with pedestrains.
walkers, footpath                      (b) children , people     
people , adults                            (d) animals, cat

—subjective MCQs of 1st year——

Q2.  Translate Into Urdu

And so people converged on Mall road where they amused themselves among the variety of hotels, restaurants, cafes and snack bars, each according to his means. Those who could not afford the pleasure inside, were content to gaze at the colored lights and brilliant advertisements outside.

Q3. Explain these lines with Reference and context

On every side decamping talk,
At every place are shrieks in stock
what should I do, O God! Aghast!

Q4. Write a story having the Moral   “ A friend in need, is a friend indeed.”   
Q5. Answer any 7 questions
a) Why did the people come out on the Mall?
b) Where has clark Larrabee been?
c) What has made the efforts of Muslims fruitless?
d) Why did the people look helpless and powerless?
e) Describe the action of devastation?
f) What was the appearances of the young man?
g) What is the moral lesson of the poem ( A tale of two cities)?
h) What is the effect of death scene? Why does a person feel helpless at the death of a friend?
Q6. Write any 3 pairs of words











Extra MCQs of 1st year

14. Overcoat 
Q.1. Choose the correct option for under lined word. 
Statements  D
1 The young man examined the German Piano  with an air of connoisseur and studied the  price label. teacher expert old person educated
2 There was a lot of blood around and he was in  precarious state. uncertain doubtful unhappy dangerous
3 His hair was sleek and shiny and he wore side  whisks. smooth and glossy dull soft and


4 The young man held a short polished cane with every now and then he twirled jauntily. slowly steadily gently gaily
5 Without hesitation, he went in. reluctance readiness doubt voluntarily
6 Layer of dust covered the young man‟s body. spots lines thickness circles
7 He had been perhaps too deeply engrossed in  himself. absorbed motorists caught


8 The strong scented oil with which he had  dressed earlier that evening still gave out a  faint odour. normal feeble strong offensive
9 At such times it was not only profligate who  ranged abroad. economical miser extravaga nt efficient
10. As the evening advanced, the cold became  more intense. became passed left progressed
11 Assistant surgeon and the two nurses with their face concealed behind masks attended the young man. covered taped changed hidden
12 The sharp icy gusts of wind struck like steel. jerks buns blasts pats
13 People converged on the mall where they  enjoyed. scattered gathered displayed visited
14 As the evening advanced, the cold became  more intense. weak strong warm faint
16 What was the colour of the overcoat of the  young man? red brown green black
17 What was the condition of the overcoat the young man was wearing? old new raged filthy
18  What was the owner of the shop wearing? a cap handkerchief a silk turban a coat
19 The young man was hit by a: car motorcycle bus truck
20 Under the overcoat, the young man wore: shirt sweater vest noting
21  The cat was shivering with: cold fear hot hunger
22 What was the colour of young man‟s hat? red brown green black
23 What was playing in a restaurant? piano songs music orchestra
25 The young man met and accident on: Davis Road Mall Road McLeodRoad Hall Road

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