English Grammar

Synonyms of Very & Extremely angry

Synonyms of Very & Extremely angry

The word very is often used in front of the term Extremely angry. Use these phrases instead of saying “very angry or Extremely angry”.

1. Enraged    adj  /ɪnˈreɪdʒd/

very angry, furious.

2. Furious    adj    /ˈfjʊərɪəs/

Extremely angry, violent, or intense.

3. Seething    adj  /ˈsiːðɪŋ/

Feeling extremely angry without showing it much.

4. Infuriated    adj /ɪnˈfjʊərɪeɪt/

make someone extremely angry and impatient.

5. Livid    adj    /ˈlɪvɪd/

Furiously angry.

6. Irate    adj    /ʌɪˈreɪt/

Feeling or characterized by great anger.

7. Apoplectic    adj    /ˌapəˈplɛktɪk/

Overcome with anger.

8.Murderous    adj    /ˈməːd(ə)rəs/

Extremely arduous or unpleasant.

9.Incensed  adj    /ɪnˈsɛnst/

Extremely angry.

10.Incandescent    adj  /ɪnkanˈdɛs(ə)nt/

Emitting light as a result of being heated.

11. Outraged verb    /ˈaʊtreɪdʒ/

arouse fierce anger, shock, or indignation.

12. Steaming  adj    /ˈstiːmɪŋ/

Giving off steam, Extremely angry.

13. Seething  adj  /ˈsiːðɪŋ/

intense but unexpressed anger.

14.At the end of your rope

a state in which one is not able to deal with a problem.

15.Breathing fire

to be very angry about something.

16. Fierce    adj  /fɪəs/

having or displaying an intense or ferocious aggressiveness.

17. Fiercely  adj    /ˈfɪəsli/

in a savagely violent or aggressive manner.

18. Hopping bad 

Extremely disappointed.

19. Ropable   adj    /ˈrəʊpəb(ə)l/

Angry, furious, in a bad temper.

20. Wrathful    adj  /ˈrɒθfʊl, ˈrɒθf(ə)l, ˈrɔːθfʊl, ˈrɔːθf(ə)l/

full of or characterized by intense anger.

21. Splenetic   adj  /splɪˈnɛtɪk/

Bad temper, spitefulness.

22. Sick to your stomach   

feeling very upset, worried, or angry.

Other synonyms of “Very”





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