English to Urdu/Hindi sentences

WH-Question Words Usage and Examples in Urdu/Hindi

WH-Question Words Usage and Examples in Urdu/Hindi

In today’s lesson, we will explore all about the WH-Question words in English with Urdu or Hindi translation. Here, we will learn the basic usage of all WH-Question words with five example sentences of each type in English and Urdu translation.

Question Words: Usage and Examples

Basically, in the English language, we use these WH-Question words for certain types of questions. Interrogative sentences also start with Do, Does, and Did. But here, we will only talk about these words:

What, What for, When, Where, Which, Who, Whom, Whose, Why, Why don’t, How, How far, How much, How old, How come, and How many.

The above-listed words are known as wh-question words. Now, we will learn the functions of these words with five example sentences for each in English with an Urdu or Hindi translation:


Function Sentences in English Sentences in Urdu or Hindi
Used to inquire about something What’s your favorite color?

What did you eat for dinner?

What time is the meeting?

What are you studying?

What’s your name?

آپ کا پسندیدہ رنگ کیا ہے؟

آپ نے رات کے کھانے میں کیا کھایا؟

میٹنگ کتنے بجے ہے؟

آپ کیا پڑھ رہے ہیں؟

آپ کا نام کیا ہے؟

What for

Function Sentences in English Sentences in Urdu or Hindi
Used to ask about the purpose or reason What are you saving money for?

What did you buy those flowers for?

What did you go to the store for?

What are you taking medicine for?

What did you call me for?

آپ کس چیز کے لیے پیسے بچا رہے ہیں؟
تم نے وہ پھول کس لیے خریدے؟
آپ دکان پر کس لیے گئے تھے؟
آپ دوا کس لیے لے رہے ہیں؟
تم نے مجھے کس لیے بلایا تھا؟


Function Sentences in English Sentences in Urdu or Hindi
Used to ask about the time or occasion When is your birthday?

When did you arrive?

When will the concert start?

When did you last visit your hometown?

When is the deadline for submission?

آپ کی سالگرہ کب ہے؟

آپ کب آئے؟

کنسرٹ کب شروع ہوگا؟

آپ آخری بار اپنے آبائی شہر کب گئے تھے؟

جمع کرانے کی آخری تاریخ کب ہے؟


Function Sentences in English Sentences in Urdu or Hindi
Used to ask about a location or place Where is the nearest ATM?

Where did you go for vacation?

Where are my keys?

Where does she live?

Where can I find a good restaurant?

قریب ترین اے ٹی ایم کہاں ہے؟

آپ چھٹیاں منانے کہاں گئے تھے؟
میری چابیاں کہاں ہیں؟
وہ کہاں رہتی ہے؟
مجھے ایک اچھا ریستوراں کہاں مل سکتا ہے؟


Function Sentences in English Sentences in Urdu or Hindi
Used to ask about a specific choice among alternatives Which book do you want to read?

Which car is yours?

Which route should we take?

Which movie did you watch?

Which dress should I wear?

آپ کون سی کتاب پڑھنا چاہتے ہیں؟
آپ کی کون سی گاڑی ہے؟
ہمیں کون سا راستہ اختیار کرنا چاہئے؟
آپ نے کونسی فلم دیکھی؟
مجھے کون سا لباس پہننا چاہیے؟


Function Sentences in English Sentences in Urdu or Hindi
Used to inquire about a person or people Who is your best friend?

Who won the race?

Who is knocking at the door?

Who is coming to the party?

Who is the CEO of the company?

آپ کا سب سے اچھا دوست کون ہے؟
ریس کس نے جیتی؟
دروازے پر دستک کون دے رہا ہے؟
پارٹی میں کون کون آرہا ہے؟
کمپنی کا سی ای او کون ہے؟


Function Sentences in English Sentences in Urdu or Hindi
Used to ask about the object of an action Whom did you invite to the party?

With whom did you go to the movies?

Whom did you see at the concert?

To whom did you give the letter?

Whom are you talking to?

آپ نے پارٹی میں کس کو مدعو کیا؟

آپ کس کے ساتھ فلموں میں گئے؟

کنسرٹ میں آپ نے کس کو دیکھا؟

آپ نے خط کس کو دیا؟

کس سے بات کر رہے ہو؟


Function Sentences in English Sentences in Urdu or Hindi
Used to inquire about possession or ownership Whose book is this?

Whose house are we visiting?

Whose car did you borrow?

Whose idea was it?

Whose turn is it to clean up?

یہ کس کی کتاب ہے؟

ہم کس کے گھر جا رہے ہیں؟

آپ نے کس کی گاڑی ادھار لی؟

کس کا خیال تھا؟

صفائی دینے کی باری کس کی ہے؟


Function Sentences in English Sentences in Urdu or Hindi
Used to ask about reasons or motives Why did you choose this university?

Why are you upset?

Why did you quit your job?

Why is the sky blue?

Why didn’t you call me back?

آپ نے اس یونیورسٹی کا انتخاب کیوں کیا؟

آپ کیوں پریشان ہیں؟

آپ نے نوکری کیوں چھوڑ دی؟

آسمان نیلا کیوں ہے؟

تم نے مجھے واپس کیوں نہیں بلایا؟

Why don’t

Function Sentences in English Sentences in Urdu or Hindi
Used to suggest or inquire about reasons for not doing something Why don’t you join us for dinner?

Why don’t you take a break?

Why don’t you try a different approach?

Why don’t you ask for help?

Why don’t you go to bed earlier?

آپ رات کے کھانے میں ہمارے ساتھ کیوں نہیں آتے؟

آپ وقفہ کیوں نہیں لیتے؟

آپ ایک مختلف نقطہ نظر کیوں نہیں آزماتے؟

تم مدد کیوں نہیں مانگتے؟

تم پہلے سونے کیوں نہیں جاتے؟


Function Sentences in English Sentences in Urdu or Hindi
Used to ask about the manner or method of doing something How are you feeling today?

How do you make a cake?

How did you learn to swim?

How much does it cost?

How long have you been studying English?

آج آپ کیسا محسوس کر رہے ہیں؟

آپ کیک کیسے بناتے ہیں؟

آپ نے تیرنا کیسے سیکھا؟

اس کی کیا قیمت ہے؟

آپ کتنے عرصہ سے انگریزی پڑھ رہے ہو؟

How far

Function Sentences in English Sentences in Urdu or Hindi
Used to ask about the distance How far is the nearest gas station?

How far is your house from here?

How far did you run today?

How far is the airport from downtown?

How far away is the beach?

قریب ترین گیس اسٹیشن کتنی دور ہے؟

آپ کا گھر یہاں سے کتنا دور ہے؟

آج آپ کتنی دور بھاگے؟

شہر کے مرکز سے ہوائی اڈہ کتنی دور ہے؟

ساحل سمندر کتنا دور ہے؟

How much

Function Sentences in English Sentences in Urdu or Hindi
Used to ask about quantity or cost How much does this shirt cost?

How much time do we have left?

How much sugar do you need for the recipe?

How much water should I drink daily?

How much does a ticket to the concert cost?

اس قمیض کی قیمت کتنی ہے؟

ہمارے پاس کتنا وقت باقی ہے؟

آپ کو ترکیب کے لیے کتنی چینی کی ضرورت ہے؟

مجھے روزانہ کتنا پانی پینا چاہیے؟

کنسرٹ کے ٹکٹ کی قیمت کتنی ہے؟

How old

Function Sentences in English Sentences in Urdu or Hindi
Used to ask about age How old are you?

How old is your dog?

How old is this building?

How old were you when you learned to ride a bike?

How old is your sister?

آپ کتنے سال کے ہو؟

آپ کے کتے کی عمر کتنی ہے؟

یہ عمارت کتنی پرانی ہے؟

جب آپ نے موٹر سائیکل چلانا سیکھا تو آپ کی عمر کتنی تھی؟

آپ کی بہن کی عمر کیا ہے؟

How come

Function Sentences in English Sentences in Urdu or Hindi
Used to ask about reasons or explanations in an informal way How come you’re late?

How come you didn’t tell me?

How come you’re not coming to the party?

How come you’re not wearing your glasses?

How come you changed your mind?

آپ کو دیر کیسے ہوئی؟

تم نے مجھے کیوں نہیں بتایا؟

آپ پارٹی میں کیوں نہیں آرہے؟

آپ نے اپنی عینک کیوں نہیں پہنی ہوئی؟

آپ نے اپنا خیال کیسے بدلا؟

How many

Function Sentences in English Sentences in Urdu or Hindi
Used to ask about quantity of countable items How many siblings do you have?

How many books are on the shelf?

How many students are in the class?

How many cups of coffee did you drink?

How many languages do you speak?

آپ کے کتنے بہن بھائی ہیں؟

شیلف پر کتنی کتابیں ہیں؟

کلاس میں کتنے طلباء ہیں؟

آپ نے کتنے کپ کافی پیے؟

تم کتنی زبانیں بول لیتے ہو؟

So, that is our today’s lesson about wh-question words in English with Urdu and Hindi translation. As I said above that these words are used to ask certain types of questions in the English language. After learning this lesson, you will be able to ask any type of question to anybody in your daily life.

We attached a free PDF book of this lesson. You can download it for free from the bottom of this page. The PDF book will help you to revise this lesson after leaving this page.

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WH-Question Words Usage and Examples in Urdu/Hindi

WH-Question Words Usage and Examples

WH-Question Words Usage and Examples in Urdu/Hindi

Wh-question Words Usage

WH-Question Words Usage and Examples in Urdu/Hindi

Question words in English with Examples

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WH-Question Words


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