1st year syllabus

11th class English Grammar Quizzes online test

11th Class English Grammar Online Quizzes Test 

English is the main and compulsory subject being taught in sch00ls and universities. It is the language basically like the grammar; c0mp0sition and English literature is the main section of the literature. Fsc part 1 English paper consists of 20% objective and multiple choice. This objective not only improves the skill but also these MCQs are related to the preparation 0f the paper or prove very helpful. The students become m0re c0mpetent and aware 0f their mistakes.

Keep in touch with these sentence formations while solving these Quizzes

sentence formation in grammar quizzesTry this fun multiple-choice quiz to test your knowledge of English grammar


#1. i ______ for karachi.

#2. i thanked them for what they _______to me .

#3. They _________their work so far.

#4. when he ___, i will let you know.

#5. it _________everyday so far this week.

#6. this is the car which i ______last month.

#7. i am sure she ______if you ask her.

#8. he ____in the round for a long time.

#9. he _____his homework before the guest came.

#10. he treated me as if i_____ his servent.

#11. she hopes that she _______her child.

#12. she is not sleeping, she ____the books.

#13. he ______his boy how to ride a bicycle.

#14. it ____before i came out.

#15. He ________ two days ago.

#16. When I met him, he ______ to college.

#17. Honesty never____unrewarded.

#18. i___the next week in Multan.

#19. we _____five times a day.

#20. if he ____hard, he will pass.

#21. if he works hard, he _____the exams.

#22. we_____to see picture last night.

#23. a black sheep____the whole flock.

#24. the principal has just ______a speech.

#25. they_______their lesson tomorrow.

#26. let us go to book shop as soon as the school_____.

#27. i ________in the rain for half an hour.

#28. it usually_________here in june.

#29. the children ___taken good care of.

#30. i would like to have this suit____.

#31. we cannot go out because it ______.

#32. she _____the child for two years.

#33. work hard, lest you _______.

#34. this book _____last year

#35. when the bell rang, he ________a bath

#36. hardwork never_______wasted.

#37. he ______to college daily in time.

#38. my friend ____a car last week.

#39. they ______until they die.

#40. unless you _____-hard, you cannot succeed.

#41. i _______a car next month.

#42. would that they ____our neighbours.

#43. the doctor _______before the patient died.

#44. she should ________to function.

#45. i ______tea every morning.

#46. good students______their time.

#47. the thief ________by the police.

this is a passive tense where 3rd form is being used and sentence formation of this sentence is:

present continuous tense when change into passive voice

Object is/am/are being 3rd by sub


#48. i ______a new plan.

#49. she generally_______ english.

#50. they will be _____by the teacher.

this a passive sentence  and 3rd is must used in passive tenses

sentence formation:

Future indefinite tense when change into passive

obj will be /shall be 3rd by sub


#51. we _____helped him.

#52. if i went to lahore, i ______buy costly things.

#53. why did they______a noise.

#54. i ________here by tomorrow morning.

#55. all is well that _______well.

#56. he _____me last week.

#57. they _______exercise daily.

#58. if he _____, i shall help him.

#59. we should ______the poor.

#60. beauty_____no ornaments.



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