English Grammar

Pronoun Types online Quizz

pronoun quizz

pronoun Quizzes

Nouns do a lot of work in our sentences. They perform important work as subjects and objects. However, sometimes a noun needs a break or there isn’t a noun that fits the sentence perfectly. When nouns need a helping hand, who do they call? No, not Ghostbusters that’s still a noun) – they use pronouns.

A pronoun can do all the jobs that nouns do; many are shorter and more versatile. Pronouns allow us to say things like I’m proud of myself or It’s time to ask someone for help. Pronouns are a major part of speech; using them correctly will greatly improve your speaking and writing.

What is a Pronoun?

               Pro + Noun

Pro means “For” and Noun means “Name“.

“The word that is used in the place of the noun is called Pronoun.”
For Example:
He, she, it, they, we, you, who, him, them, whoever, anyone, something, nobody.

Here are pronoun Quizz

#1. I don’t know where you put the book, but it must be somewhere. The word you is

#2. Can you believe that Maryum did all of this work herself? Here the word herself is?

#3. What is that noise I keep hearing from your book bag? The word what is

#4. Mary cut herself while chopping cucumbers. the word herself is

#5. This Book is not yours. the word yours is

#6. Mary cut herself while chopping cucumbers. the word herself is

#7. In the fifteen years since she resigned in defeat and disgrace, she has been carefully plotting his return to power. The word she is?

#8. Guido told me that he never wanted to see that girl again in his life. The word that is

#9. She is quite impressive . The word she is

#10. Which shirt do you think I should where today? the word which is

#11. He wrote himself a note so that he wouldn’t forget in his life time. The word Himself is?

#12. Mary cut herself while chopping onions. The word Herself is?

#13. The dog licked himself so much that his fur was coming out. The word hismeslf is?

#14. can you believe he did this crime himself? The word himself is?

#15. My birthday, which always lands on the hotest day of the year, is usually something I would rather not celebrate. The word Which is

#16. Anyone who likes this music must be have a good taste. but difficult to understand. the word anyone is?

#17. Please pay for the book that you lost. The word You is

#18. I cannot study this guy’s vocabulary words anymore. The word this is

#19. who made this dish? The word who is

#20. which Book is mine? The word which is

#21. this car does not belongs to me . The word me is

#22. Please pay for the Car that you lost. The word you is ?



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